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US Federal Court In Ruling On Fluoridation

Speaking With Mary Byrne of Fluoride Free NZ

Liz Gunn speaks to Mary Byrne of Fluoride Free NZ about the recent US Federal Court In ruling on fluoridation in drinking water.

[LIZ GUNN] What exactly is fluoride, and where does it come from?…It's a poison and it's really bad in the drinking water and it's, it would never be allowed in the air.

So where is it coming from? What is it?

[MARY BYRNE] Fluoride can occur naturally in the environment, and it does. It does occur in water supplies around the world.

In some places, there's high amounts and the people are terribly impacted.

The children's bones get deformed and the adults get bent over, and people have thyroid problems, and all sorts of things.

But the fluoride chemical that they put into our drinking water is not even the natural sort.

What it is, is Hydrofluorosilicilic acid (H2SiF6), which is scrubbed out of the chimneys of the phosphate fertiliser industry.

So, [in] the phosphate fertiliser industry… fluoride gases get let off when they're making the phosphate, and they're not allowed to let those gases out into the air because they pollute everything around it. Crops, cattle, the people, even things like etching the glass of, you know, windows. Everything gets contaminated.

So what they do is they spray water into it and that mixes with the fluoride gases and that comes out as Hydrofluorosilicilic acid (H2SiF6).

And then they have a toxic waste problem. So they can't just go and dump it into the river down the road, or a lake, or the sea even - or the land.

But what they do is, they put it in those tankers and sell it to the councils, and the councils drip feed it for our public water supply.

[LIZ GUNN] I mean, that is mind boggling for humans to take in…

[MARY BYRNE]…You know, it's just hard to fathom that they will take a toxic waste and put it into our drinking water.

[LIZ GUNN }And then beyond that, with a massive propaganda campaign, sell it to us as good -and essential - for our teeth…

[MARY BYRNE] …I know that with Laurie Brett, when he first stood up against fluoridation years and years ago and before my time, and he tried to tell the other dentists, they just laughed him out of the room.

They just ridiculed him and everything.

And then actually how come Laurie Brett got into it was because of John Colhoun. He was the Principal Dental Officer in Auckland. He was one of our first main promoters of fluoridation.

So he was sent on a worldwide trip to have a look at all the places around the country that had started fluoridation.

What he found, behind the scenes, was none of them were finding that fluoride was actually reducing dental decay. Dental decay was coming down anyway, in all places around the world.

When he got back, he told his superiors about that and they more or less told him to be quiet.

And then he said, well, he might not have done anything more, if he hadn't found out it was harmful.

But then when he found out it was harmful, then, he felt compelled that he had to do something about it.

And he consequently ended up losing his job.

And [with] that dental fluorosis, the dentists in the Ministry of Health tell us it's just cosmetic. But that's a… it's such a ridiculous thing to say… It's so unthinking because it means that the enamel of the teeth have been damaged.

Probably that mechanism is that it's poisoning the enzymes that help lay down the enamel on the teeth. So if it's poisoning those enzymes, it's poisoning other enzymes in our body.

And they know that that fluoride is a potent enzyme poisoner, you know, and that's a reflection of our bones. It's the first outward sign of fluoride poisoning.

So for the Ministry of Health to say, oh, it doesn't matter, it's just cosmetic, it's just really, it's just so stupid.

You know, if somebody is overexposed to lead, they get a thin blue line on their gum, no one would say, “Oh, don't worry about it because we don't see your gum.”

It would be alarming.

There is 40 percent, or perhaps more now, of children in New Zealand with some form of dental fluorescence.

We know for certain at least 40 percent of children in New Zealand have been poisoned by fluoride.

[LIZ GUNN] That's extraordinary. And there is an article on your website. I recommend everyone go to it saying fluoride is the new lead.

Fluoride is the new Lead (Article)


Liz’s conversation with Mary in 2022:

- NZ Dentist Blows Whistle on Fluoridation

- Contact:

- Judges-Ruling-Fluoridation-is-an-Unreasonable-risk (download)

- An article for further reading on this positive ruling:

Dr. Tenpenny's Eye on the Evidence
Good News for Humanity
With all the gloom/doom going on in the world these days, it’s nice be deliver good news once in a while…
Read more

- Fluoridation gives bottle-fed babies a huge dose – dose known to affect thyroid and IQ

- Tauranga fluoride directive: City council denied extension, could face ‘extreme’ penalties

The gradual increase of fluoride in New Zealand’s drinking water over the last few years appears to be part of the wider Agenda 2030 governmental plan to disempower the citizenry within the western world. We did a deep dive on that global agenda with Andrew Bridgen last week.

Click To Watch Full Conversation

The World Economic Forum, the elites, through their agencies of the United Nations, they seem to be, I'm not sure what the fixation is with 2030, the Agenda 2030, they've got their plans for changing the way we conduct ourselves on the planet, our lives.

Ultimately, I think the elites of the world have looked around and they've decided that the way they'd like to structure our economy and society in the developed world, the Western world, is actually the Chinese model.

But what they've never done is never ever dared put that to the people in any ballot on it and in any manifesto.

But that's the direction of travel.

And it would appear to me, and it appeared some time ago, that the developments that are very close to fruition in artificial intelligence and robotics are so good, so good that they feel they don't need 90% of us on the planet any longer to fulfill their needs.

It's clear that we have a depopulation agenda around the vaccines, and it will be through repeated pandemics, wars and famines.

And everything that they're arranging in the world is to ensure that we have plenty of wars.

We've got a major conflict in Russia, in Ukraine, which could go global at any moment.

We've got constant fear of a major engagement with China, possibly over Taiwan. And the Middle East is on fire. So it would be a fully global war. And obviously, it would be devastating for our people.

And on top of that, again in lockstep, governments are making bizarre decisions and legislation, which is making it very, very difficult for our farmers to produce food.

They're attacking fertiliser, they won't be able to afford to use that.

That's going to have devastating effects on crop yields and food production.

And then of course, there'll be terrible death and destruction, and there will be conflict in the part of the world that's absolutely starving.

Unless the people stand up, and we need to stand up together around the world, the people are willing to stand up for the sake of our children and our grandchildren.

I mean, the future for humanity is looking very dark.

An example of a letter that we can send to the politicians about the fluoridation of the water in New Zealand. We should all be writing to Sarfati and the others who continue to lie to, bully & force poison us.




Subject: Enough is enough. Please cease & desist from force poisoning your fellow kiwis immediately.

Dear Diana

It is unequivocal that the fluoridation of water poses an unreasonable risk to the public, and that it must cease immediately.

I am respectfully requesting, on behalf of all New Zealanders, including our grandchildren, that you cease and desist immediately from forcing local Councils to poison their communities’ drinking water.

We have had enough of the lying, bullying and poisoning of us by our politicians, health authorities and so called, health ‘experts’.

We are sick to death (sadly literally for many New Zealanders) of our Director Generals of Health abusing their excessive powers, relying on fraudulent science and using recent, flawed Parliamentary Acts to justify aggressive, inappropriate & harmful conduct. You are supposed to protect New Zealanders’ health, not cause us harm.

Your are supposed to be supporting and facilitating Councils’ and their community wishes, not dictating that they poison their communities’ water supplies and threatening them with excessive fines if they don’t.

The tone and content of your letters to various Councils, including the one to Tracey Collis, Mayor of Tararua District Council, (attached here) is disturbing and inappropriate.

The tone is arrogant, bullying and threatening. Not what we want from a person in charge of our country’s health policy.

The content is concerning because it confirms that, like your predecessor, Bloomfield, you too, are determined to proceed with ‘mandating’ the poisoning of your fellow kiwis, under the guise of ‘safe & effective’ medical treatments. (In 2018, New Zealand's Supreme Court ruled that fluoride is considered a medical treatment, specifically stating that water fluoridation violates Section 11 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, which guarantees the right to refuse medical treatment )

Your continued reliance on outdated, fraudulent science to justify your dangerous & inappropriate bullying must stop now.

It is unacceptable that you are not considering all the recent, peer reviewed science that overwhelmingly highlights the ineffectiveness & dangers of fluoridated water.

Here is just one recent international, gold standard research paper.

It is the US National Toxicology Program Report. It confirms, beyond a shadow of a doubt, like many other reputable international research studies, that fluoride exposure harms children’s IQ.

As you will know, just two days ago, a US Judge found, after considering the long delayed US government report, that fluoride in water poses an “unreasonable risk” to children.

If you are not personally up to speed with this overdue landmark decision, that has huge implications for New Zealand’s fluoride policy, please read these links and feel free to contact me anytime so I can supply further supporting evidence and information. I’m here to help Diana.

Breaking: Fluoride in Water Poses ‘Unreasonable Risk’ to Children, Federal Judge Rules • Children's Health Defense (

It is not ok that your threatening letters and actions are necessitating local communities and their Councils to have to challenge your “directives” via the New Zealand Court system.

I am disappointed that my Year 1, fellow Ngata House co-resident at University of Canterbury, (1977), has waded in to support your inappropriate directives in her role as Attorney General. I will be writing to her separately, and asking her to cease and desist from protecting and supporting this forced fluoride agenda.

I can’t reconcile that in his 26 June, 2024 Judgement (attached), New Heath vs Director General of Health BORA, Judge Radich stated:

“[11] Moreover, as has been said for the respondents, there has been no indication that the Director-General would take enforcement action and the Director-General has not taken any such action.”

His statement is misleading at best, and plain wrong at worst.

You had clearly indicated, 3 weeks prior, in your 6th June letter to Tararua Mayor,(attached) that you would potentially take action. Otherwise why, at the end of your letter would you add the threatening reminder … “I would like to take this opportunity to remind you …. Under Part 5A contravening a direction is an offence, and the statute provides for potentially significant penalties”.

Sadly, these directives and threats have scared the pants off the Councils, to the point, that they are too afraid to honour their communities’ valid wishes, and too afraid to not comply, for fear of risking ‘significant penalties’ ie a $200,000 fine and $10,000 every day that the fluoridation plant is not operational.

I read yesterday, that you have denied Tauranga an extension.

Tauranga fluoride directive: City council denied extension, could face ‘extreme’ penalties.

In my opinion, the councils should invoke their statutory duty to protect the public health under s23 Health Act and stop until fluoridation can be proven safe, which of course it can’t. I don’t believe the Courts would fine them for taking such a position.

It is disappointing but not surprising that you apparently haven’t, as ordered by the Court earlier this year, reconsidered Bloomfield’s “unlawful” directions taking into account BORA.

Sir Ashley Bloomfield's fluoridation orders unlawful, court rules | RNZ News

Can you please tell me when we may expect an answer from you on this. Thanks.

Have your read the NTP Report, or any of the other independent ‘non-government narrative’ reports Diana?

If not, why not?

If so, can you please explain why you are still aggressively ‘directing’ Councils to put this toxic waste in their communities water supplies. And furthermore, threatening them with huge fines if they don’t?

It is unacceptable that you are relying on outdated, highly dubious reports.

It is absurd and unacceptable that the MOH’s website says fluoride is “safe & effective”. This is a lie. Just like the ‘safe & effective’ Pfizer lie peddled by Bloomfield. And unbelievably still peddled by your Health Ministry.

This one month old article explains the fluoride lie. You should read it if you haven’t already.

Fluoridation and "Forever Chemicals" (PFAS): Federal Hypocrisy Is Poisoning Americans with Toxic Synthetic Chemicals - Global Research

Please answer the following questions:

Do you know fluoride is toxic industrial waste, derived from the fertilizer/phosphate industry?

Do you know that transportation and storage of fluoride requires extraordinary health and safety measures during its, including full hazmat suits, top grade industrial masks and washdown facilities.

Do you know it is illegal for the fertilizer/phosphate industries to dispose of this waste in land, sea or air, due to its extreme toxicity?

Do you know it is exceptionally corrosive, will rapidly eat through concrete and steel, thus the need for it to always be transported and stored in plastic containers.

Have you read the safety data sheet?

Have you read and considered the dozens of recent & updated international, peer reviewed studies, including the ones above, that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that fluoride in communities’ water supplies is harmful, and an extremely bad idea.

If so, has it not occurred to you that the ‘science’ you are using to justify this forced medication (against the BORA) is fraudulent? Or like Shane Reti, are you determined to rely on ‘your own science’? I have cc’ed him here and will be writing to him separately.

I have not bothered to include all the links to all the numerous, highly respected and regarded international peer reviewed studies here but I can provide separately if you wish. In the meantime, the bulk of the information regarding the truth of the dangers, and ineffectiveness of reducing tooth decay in children, by fluoridating communities’ water supplies are in this link here.

If you haven’t already, please take the time to familiarise yourself with these facts & information contained in the above links, or get an ‘independent expert’, not a government/MOH compliant order taker, to unbiasedly review the material. You and your “team’ have a legal and moral obligation to look at any important, relevant information regarding your ‘health’ policies for your fellow countrymen … particularly when it involves strenuously defending and forcing policies involving toxic waste being put into water supplies. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Have you or your “team’ conducted any risk/benefit analysis? I assume you have as it’s a very basic, legal requirement. Can you please confirm yes and provide same to me. If not, can you please explain why not.

As a matter of fact Diana, I don’t believe it possible that a person with your qualifications, huge ‘team’, resources, and cv, can’t work out what a 12 year old child can.

I just can’t understand why you are doing this to us, and costing us all an absolute fortune, in addition to your generous salary, perks and legal costs required to defend your actions.

Can you please confirm to me that you are not being encouraged or required by any other party to pursue & continue with your fluoridation directives to NZ Councils? Thanks.

As you may have gathered Diana, my real grizzle is that, like your predecessor, Bloomfield, you are abusing the excessive power and control that recent NZ law has foolishly and irresponsibly vested into the Director-General of Health role. And like him, you are relying on fraudulent science, compromised ‘experts’, and hiding behind the ‘new’ laws to harm the population you are supposed to be protecting. This is not ok.

In conclusion Diana, I am urging, actually pleading, that you back off this forced fluoridation policy and drop your ‘directives’ immediately.

Although it doesn’t seem like it, this is a love letter.

Love for my fellow countrymen & women, love for truth, love for freedom and bodily autonomy. Yes, I abhor bullies and particularly, bullies that knowingly & intentionally, or even just recklessly and negligently, harm others … anyone.

I’d love you to get on the right side of this thing Diana. I’d love you to get on the right side of history.

I’m here to support and encourage you in any way I can.

What I can say without a doubt, is that the game is over.

Most New Zealanders have had a gutsful of being lied to, bullied and poisoned. The number is growing daily. Sadly the kiwis that don’t have a problem with it, have been totally brainwashed into believing the ‘safe & effective’ nonsense. Heartbreaking to witness.

To repeat, it is unequivocal that fluoridation poses an unreasonable risk to the public and it must cease immediately.

I have cc’ed Luxon, Peters, & Seymour on this, as they too have a responsibility to ensure that this agenda stops immediately.

I will follow up with them all separately.

I look forward to your response and answers to my questions.

In particular, I sincerely look forward to helping you end this madness, if you will allow me.

You have the ball at your feet.

Yours sincerely

Roy Champtaloup

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