
Alexander Lasarev - "Alex The Comic" On Covid Times

FreeNZ In Conversation

Liz Gunn speaks to Canadian free-thinking comedian, philosopher Alexander Lasarev about his experiences of the last four years, in the wake of the government enforced Covid madness.

Featuring his favourite movie - They Live (1988)

To Visit Alex's various links as mentioned - https://linktr.ee/alexthecomic

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Full video of the infamous Doctor himself, Dr Kimchi, going full rage mode at Alex’s humorous attempts to wake the sleeping streets of Vancouver.

Part. 2 - Further Philosophical Musings

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In this second discussion with Alex, we delve into Alex's past his personal journey and beliefs. We also find out more about Alex's reasoning for starting his crypto token called Dr Kimchi, and how he plans to use it to support the many cancelled and falsely vilified doctors and health practitioners, the courageous ones who spoke out against the many harms during the Covid Era.

In this clip from Part Two, Alex speaks on his core learnings for us all in terms what we’ve all collectively gone through over the last few years.

Clip transcript:

I try and have more compassion for all the people who went along with the Plandemic and did really, really, really you know, it's not a good idea, a lot of the things people did.

But, they don't know their true nature that they don't know that they are Love, they don't know that they're supported by the Universe, they don't know that they're going to be fine. Even if they lose their job.

All these things that were leveraged against people, if you really knew your true nature that you and the Creator are One and Love is your true nature, you know, Love is what you are and there's nothing ever to fear.

It's very difficult to act out of integrity when you know your true nature.

You're not going to allow them to inject you with something, if you know that you and the Creator are One, because that you know this [the body] is a Holy Temple and you would not go along with it. You can't! You really can't.

And I know there are there are of course some crazy circumstances out there, like really where it's like you have to get it or your parents are dying in a hospital and it's the only way to see them.

I get it that there's brutal circumstances.

But a lot of people weren’t in brutal circumstances. They just felt like traveling and it was more convenient.

That wouldn't have been happening if people really had that connection.

So it is the missing ingredient. That's what this awakening and everything that's happening on the planet is about, it's actually for us to remember what we are.