
Jim Ferguson - Freedom Train International Conference

Upcoming 24-hour Celebration of All Things Freedom

UK Businessman and Entrepreneur, Jim Ferguson, has a big vision for bringing the Peoples of the world together in a way that honours the sovereignty of individuals, and of nations, that builds independence from the centralised and oppressive systems that have sought to rip our freedoms from us, and that honours a true sense of Justice.

In this interview he expands on that exciting, inclusive vision and on the fastest growing Freedom Movement in the world which he has founded: Freedom Train International. He invites all who want to be free of oppression from the WEF, the UN and the WHO, to join this Movement and to be a part of the upcoming 24-hour Freedom Train International Conference.

Jim, and the thousands and thousands who now support him, have an entirely different and far more human-friendly vision, from those who want us all to bow down to Agenda 2030 and its heartless goals.
