Liz Gunn gives an overview of the policy of New Zealand Loyal party.
New Zealand Loyal - Main Points.
10 July 2023
We’re about New Zealanders taking back their power
End New Zealandʼs participation in the UN, WEF, WHO
Repeal the oppressive Therapeutic Products Act
Elevate energy independence including oil and gas
Void all restrictive regulation that unreasonably inhibits farmersʼ ability to farm. We will honour our farmers; the backbone of our country’s wealth - and remove all repressive regulation
Introduce a simplified tax system, utilising a 1% transaction tax
Remove all race-based policies
Establish a New Zealand Constitution. It will limit the powers of government, and enshrine our God-given natural rights and hold them inviolate
Vote yourself back into power - with New Zealand Loyal
Promote critical thinking and open, uncensored discussion.
Protect our children from corrupt sex and gender “education”
Decentralise government and return power to the people
Hold a full enquiry into media propaganda departments funded by taxpayer and corporate sponsorship
Establish a monetary system, based on intrinsic value
Move away from the current inflationary, debt-based system
More for you. Less for them. Our 1% financial transaction tax will replace all other taxes
No more need for a middleman, due to the simplicity of a 1% transaction tax
The banks will become a service to all New Zealanders, not a threat to us
Less unnecessary fees and more money in your pocket
No insider deals; just oversight to ensure your money is spent wisely
Use a free and open market approach, utilising New Zealand companies to construct and maintain roads, housing, and infrastructure
Fluoride in New Zealand water supplies shall be banned outright
Ban all further 1080 poison drops in our national parks. Encourage hunting as a method of pest control
Severely reduce all use of Glyphosate spraying in NZ. Find & fund practical and workable solutions
Investigate the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and its past practices.
We're for solutions. You say, we listen. That is how our governance will work
Teach our children about the importance of informed consent and objective morality
Private property rights shall be held inviolate
Severely reduce the bureaucracy within government
All current lands that have been subject to and effected by SNA’s (Significant Natural Areas), shall be returned
We will criminally investigate big corporations who have acted against the people of NZ
Whistleblower protection
Children will be protected from all exploitation
Elevate freedom of choice above all when it comes to your personal health decisions
Promote research and development into alternate holistic health modalities
Investigate past election mail-in ballot files
The Gunn Club - We are for responsible gun ownership
The Gunn Club - We will treat you as responsible and mature adults
New Zealand, this is your land, this is your country and this is your life. Vote yourself back into power
Economic self-sufficiency for our nation
Stimulate the industrialisation of our economy
We will insource critical service sectors that have been taken offshore, such as oil, natural gas, roading & infrastructure
Reignite our once thriving New Zealand economy, utilising a 1% financial transaction tax
Insider trading shall be stamped out
We’ll build a nationwide communications infrastructure to include solid landlines
New Zealand has an abundance of oil and gas. We will utilise this. Marsden Point shall be reinstated
The corrupt 'Green Agenda’ will be abandoned
We will criminally investigate those who have benefitted from selling NZ out to the ‘Green Agenda’
All international agreements which have been entered into by corrupt governments without consulting with us shall be made void
Allow young school leavers to gain practical, real world skills, rather than attend degree factories
Our education system shall NOT be exploited as a delivery vehicle for globalist agendas
Thoroughly uproot globalist agendas from schools; putting all such teachings off limits as a matter of New Zealand law
New Zealand Loyal - Policy Position On Abortion
New Zealand Loyal Supports Countdown Boycott
New Zealand Loyal supports the Groundswell nationwide boycott of Countdown Supermarket from 14th July - 7th August 2023.
Full Speech
Our country is being systematically destroyed in a controlled demolition by entities which seek nothing less than the total subjugation of us all.
We have been divided, suppressed, restricted, and censored. As a People, Kiwis have been attacked on all fronts, by a sold-out government using fear-mongering. Whether it’s through yet another “virus” supposedly ready to wipe out mankind, or the so-called ‘climate crisis’ which millions around the world are realising is yet another con, or the coming manufactured, man-made economic collapse, or any other fabricated, trumped-up narrative, these globalist forces have meticulously planned the roll out of their dark agenda.
If you dismiss the truth of this, be warned: it’s at your peril. Do not underestimate what is going on and why you have that uneasy feeling in your gut. You’re right to listen to that. There is something wrong in our country. Gravely wrong.
This is warfare. This government is not your friend. And neither will a National-Act government care about you or your family. Luxon and Seymour can say all the empty words of assurance they like, but know this: they are simply spouting what they think you want to hear, and mouthing off with zero sincerity or integrity. They, and some of the other parties standing, will just do and say what it takes to get in…. and then they will betray your hopes and your dreams and your wishes, as jacinda did. As so many of them have, if you look back, over these last decades. We’ve had decades of the cancerous growth of globalism, agreed to without asking the People. Agreed to by and with the parasitic few who call themselves elite…. but are, instead, really just a self -serving cabal of crooks. If you vote them in, they will break their electioneering promises without so much as a look back at you. Why ? Because they’re set up to follow the globalist agenda. All those hypocrites flying off to parade and preen themselves at Davos, are just the willing pawns of their globalist puppet masters. That’s why they don’t listen to, or consult, you - The People, once they get voted in.
So take note New Zealand, this is totally DISloyal and unconventional warfare, being waged against the People on many fronts: via psychological, legal, medical, economic, political, academic and brutal police enforcement methods.
I have sat back and observed new political parties being created to combat the surge of our increasingly totalitarian state, and to push back on the dehumanising of the many, by these parasitic so-called leaders.
I have watched as groups and organisations have come together, with perhaps one particular focus as a pushback. But what I have NOT seen is a genuine plan, or workable commitment, here in New Zealand, to win -outright- this war: to totally win this war that is being waged against humanity, and against our God-given Freedoms.
I have watched in fascinated horror as political prostitution has swayed some to appear to trade away their integrity for influence, or for easy ( but compromised ) funding, or for a meaningless perch at someone else’s table. The key focus, their very reason to make a stand, has been lost. And what is that key focus? It’s the People: You. Us. Our families. Our shared Kiwi heritage.
Winning minor battles and skirmishes here and there, is no longer enough. Seeing a “win” as being just enough influence, to gain one seat at someone else’s table, is no longer enough. The threats to our Kiwi way of life are broad, and deep. And it will take Kiwis of un-compromised integrity, courage, moral fortitude and clarity, and huge hearts, to come together to save our country from these marauding, insatiably greedy globalists.
And so it’s for these very reasons, that I have decided to seek the political overthrow of all in the current New Zealand government- both sides of the corrupted parliamentary benches- by standing at the next general election.
It’s natural at this point that some will ask: “Why do we need yet another political party to further divide the vote”? On the face of it, that is a fair question. And it’s one I can, and shall, address.
Until now, there has been no current, real, alternative to the existing power structure that simply presumes it will take the majority in this 2023 Election. The most that the smaller parties are looking at accomplishing, is to be ‘also-ran’ parties. They talk of “just scraping in over the 5% threshold” as if that would be an achievement, and they express the “hope” of having some semblance of influence. Some openly say they do not want to rock the boat, as Kiwis cannot cope with that. We disagree. Kiwis are inherently far braver than you think. And we at Loyal, are certainly not a party of the timid.
We believe the mass of silent, but watching, Kiwis are well awake to the dark agendas of the 120 politicians currently mis-representing the People of New Zealand. We believe there are millions of Kiwis living here, and based around the world, who are wanting something brave and truthful to stand next to, and to support, in this crucial 2023 Election. We are the many, who want something that represents loyalty to Kiwis’ interests, and not to the globalists. Loyalty to you, not to them. We intend to return the power and control back to those who should rightfully wield it: that is, to you, The People. And because we stand for you, and you alone, we are the party to replace National and to oust the corrupt Labour-Greens - hopefully, for ever after their many recent and unforgivable betrayals.
Some new parties and groupings have wish-lists, but none goes far enough, to the pinpoint of real political significance. If we are to put an end to the encroaching “One World”, globalist madness, and restore our country to a sound path, that honours Kiwi lives and Kiwi families and Kiwi incomes and Kiwi freedoms, then we feel that the following courageous and achievable actions need to be taken:
We shall bring an end to our participation in the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organisation, and the United Nations. Remember: UN policies lie at the heart of disenfranchising landowners, and dishonouring our precious farmers, while also removing our choices and our independence as a Kiwi nation. Perhaps in its founding days, decades ago, the UN may have had integrity- but people around the world are now questioning its actions, its authoritarianism, and asking who really runs it.
We will also end any UN-forced climate accords that are based on faulty science, and mainstream-media-driven hysteria.
We shall make New Zealand energy independent utilising the natural resources we have in abundance. Yes, that also means oil refining capabilities built here. Our national security depends on it.
We will place a moratorium on all immigration, until such time as we know we have the infrastructure and services to cope with the needs of our current population.
We will immediately ban the fluoridation of our water supplies. Fluoride is implicated in the reduction of IQ levels in several seminal recent studies. As a People, we need all the skills of our intellect- and our critical thinking and questioning abilities- to be able to hold all future governments - including a New Zealand Loyal government- to account for actions taken in the name of The People.
We will bring an end to the poisoning of our lands, water, and air, including ending 1080 poison drops, and the spraying of toxic chemicals like Cancer-inducing Roundup- Glyphosate- on the land or in arial form. As a nation, we will share and discuss the better options for getting rid of weeds via harmless steam, or more effective ways to protect our bird populations that will also offer job opportunities and income to hunters and trappers.
We will void any restrictive regulation that unreasonably inhibits farmers’ ability to farm, developers’ ability to develop, and business ability to trade. What regulations are absolutely required shall be based on best practice, to minimise harm.
We will, above all, consult with, and listen to, and honour our Kiwi farmers, whose work and income have always been the backbone of our country’s wealth. As I child, I knew to show respect and gratitude to our farmers- many of whom to this day, exemplify world-leading practices. They have shown they will listen to the consumer. Why are we, the People, not still listening in appreciation, to their needs and vision? Why should these globalist politicians currently in power, be allowed to continue to dismiss and deride the Kiwi farmer’s valuable voice?
And to any farmer still considering voting National-Act, know that you WILL be subjugated to the dark Agenda 2030 from the World Economic Forum, if you vote them in, and if you lack the courage to vote as a LOYAL Kiwi. Equally so with Democracy NZ, whose Board has now been exposed in the five recent defections, as National acolytes. Their commitment to go with Luxon is unwavering. Vote Democracy NZ and it’s simply a vote for National. Which is a vote for globalist domination of your country.
We will completely scrap the current tax system. No more Income tax, no more corporate tax and no more GST. Imagine, tradies, no more oppressive Road User Charges? How would that lighten your financial burden? But how can we possibly do that, and still ensure essential services are funded? We shall provide those details in the coming weeks. Just as we will be delving more deeply into each area outlined here. This, today, is intentionally a policy overview- but we need you to keep watching the New Zealand Loyal and FreeNZ Media websites, for the regular updates that will now be recorded to answer your questions, and to explain the details of each policy area. Rome was not built in a day, as the saying goes, and neither is New Zealand Loyal- but huge strides have been taken in just the ten days since we announced this party.
We will investigate and bring transparency to the role that our central bank – the Reserve Bank of New Zealand - plays in our deficit-based, overly leveraged, boom-bust economy - with a view to possibly curtailing it. We will also consider options for moving away from the current ‘fiat money’ system to a ‘sound monetary' system, in which our money is asset-back and solid, instead of being based on irresponsible and inept governments choosing to print paper money at will and at great risk to our society’s stability.
Government will no longer be able to resort to secrecy to avoid accountability. We will end the over- classification of information as ‘confidential’. The People must have easy access to what their government is doing. The People should rightfully know much more about their government, than the government knows about the People. All this surveillance is facing the wrong direction. Point it at the politicians and make them fully answerable servants to the voters.
We will scrap all race-based policies and instead adopt a position based on need and necessity. The system of apartheid being built up in this country will be torn down. The push towards co- governance will end. No if, buts or maybes. We are one nation and one people, with a largely common history.
I come from proud Scandinavian and Scottish stock - my forebears were burnt off their lands by a pillaging Highland tribe. I cannot let that define my life. I refuse to remain a victim of my ancestral story. What I can do, today, is start a New Story. Not one of eternal victimhood and resentment. I can go forward and build a powerful, harmonious , new, New Zealand with my fellow Loyal Kiwis.
Besides, it’s now absolutely essential that we unite as a People. This government has actively sown division among so many different groups of Kiwis - town and country, trans and non-trans, Maori and European, jabbed and unjabbed. Most of us can now see that only a destructive government would do this to its own people. It’s the communist playbook to sow such division. We need to see it for what it is- manipulation of the population so that we are fighting amongst ourselves instead of coming together to stand up to the common enemy which has orchestrated this war between us.
The divisions serve only the few, who continue to benefit, while the rest of us bear the cost. You and I are not enemies. By coming together we can beat them at their manipulative division. We are the solution to our country’s current issues. But only if we come together as differing ethnicities, yes, but as one overall Kiwi race.
And we need to remind ourselves that our European heritage is hugely valuable and should be fully celebrated. That is not to lessen the value of our Maori or Chinese or Indian or other lineages. In fact, given that our European forebears’ bloodlines account for at least five sixths of our population ( and are within many of our Maori brothers and sisters also) , we will once again emphasise, and teach our children, the beautiful offerings of Shakespeare’s English, of our Romantic poets, of our Renaissance philosophers and thinkers , rather than becoming a country that seems hellbent on celebrating only the heritage of Maori to the exclusion of the brilliance and richness of our full European Kiwi heritage .There is room for much more than the one lane, cultural highway onto which this government has pushed and coerced us all.
As for the resources of this country, they belong to all the People of this country. They do not belong to the self-selected few who continue to enrich themselves at your expense. That includes the Maori few at the top, who, like their parasitic Globalist overlords, are willingly enrich themselves, but do not share their gains with the whole iwi. And who try to take from, and condemn, hard-working Kiwis of proud European lineage. This sanctioned greed, by the few within Maoridom, shall cease immediately. All resources shall be respected, used, and shared for the betterment of all.
All Treaty of Waitangi claims will be referred to England and the ‘crown’. The people of this nation will no longer be burdened by what many say is a never-ending gravy-train.
The justice system will be set right. All current courts shall continue to deal with all corporate entities [companies, organisation, and others of the like], but cases against people will be heard in Superior common law courts and not be caught up in the current fraud taking place where there exist presumptions skilfully tricking you into believing you are bound by their applications. You are not a strawman. You are not a legal fiction. You are a living being. This will be taught and explained to all Kiwis, to empower and free the People from yet more lies.
Unless there is a victim, there can be no crime. You shall no longer be used as a government cash cow, or to bolster the coffers of other state agencies. Coming from a background in Law, steeped in the traditional ways of the New Zealand legal system, it has been a huge bridge for me to cross and I can now see how important it is to help others to understand the nuanced weaponization of our legal system against them.
A ‘higher law’, fully entrenched Constitution shall be proposed to you, the People, seeking your valuable input. It will effectively limit the powers of government, and enshrine, and protect our God- given natural rights and hold them inviolate.
We will criminally investigate all who have acted against the People of this nation. Whether dealing with historical or recent crimes, these investigations will not be characterised by the usual vacuous lip service, the whitewashes and the intentionally toothless “terms of reference” of recent token government inquiries.
Instead, they shall be credible. Their scope shall be wide and deep. No area will be off-limits or exempt from scrutiny. The jab injuries and deaths, the bribery, the corruption, the treason, and the crimes against humanity are the main areas in need of thorough sunlight and justice. All whistleblowers will receive full protection for telling the rest of us,about the wrongdoings you have witnessed. The whistleblowers will be the heroic ones, helping us to clean up our country from within. You can research the Opel Files yourselves if you wish to get some idea of the depths of corruption within New Zealand over the years. And always trust that The Truth Shall Set You Free.
We often hear that ‘the children are our future’, yet nothing good ever really comes from government to ensure that our children inherit a healthy, happy, safe, and prosperous future. The future of our children is not for sale, leverage, or negotiation. We shall also protect them from all means of exploitation.Please watch the Posie Parker-Ross Campbell piece on FreeNZ Media’s Rumble channel. You will begin to understand the dark corruptions being pushed at our children. And the viral sharing of The Sound of Freedom film is also on the web, and essential viewing.
We have solutions. Real and tangible. We just need you. We need you to engage. We need you to research. We need you to be Loyal Kiwis.
We have no desire to appease, accommodate or negotiate with the current criminal elements that infect the New Zealand parliament like parasites. We are here to end their reign of tyranny.
We hereby contract with you, the People, to guarantee we shall never work against your interests. Quite the opposite. We guarantee to serve you, to work for you, and - when you give us the majority after this upcoming election- to achieve everything we have stated we shall do. Not to try to achieve it. To actually accomplish it. While at the same time, consulting with, and listening to, the voices and views of the People.
If you want a country where you are respected, left to pursue your happiness unimpeded without causing harm to another or their property, then you must vote for these visions and undertakings. You must stand with us and choose Loyalty to the People and not to the globalists.
If we are to win this war, we must combat their war machine, in which their mainstream media is one of their most potent deployments. This is where you enter the digital battlespace and combat the agenda-driven propaganda plague. Turn off the News. Don’t watch the rubbish at 7 pm. Stop buying the mainstream newspapers or listening to the bias and lies on Radio New Zealand.
We are in a State of Emergency, and we need to stand up and fight. This is it. This election is our last chance to change the ruthless, greedy, gobbling globalist momentum.
The mainstream media is totally collapsed into globalism and censorship of the truth but WE, the People, can share the truth on social media, person to person. Please ensure you share this message to all you can, person to person and private group to private group. The government’s gagging orders for Loyal, have clearly already gone out to Facebook. It’s an inverse compliment. They are scared of People coming together behind Loyal, and many supporters report to us that the first two messages are stopping half way through. Why the interference? And did the government interfere with the setting up of our New Zealand Loyal sign up page? We can’t know at this stage, but certainly constant IT issues have been markedly on the rise. And why was the weekly Monday night podcast I do with Teacher Joe , Farmer James and Just Jono, removed within an hour last week? We were sharing our excitement and vision for the New Zealand we can all build, once the election is won. It was joyful and positive and funny. Yet the whole episode totally evaporated with no warning. Censorship shall only make us more determined, while also highlighting all the corruptions behind the silencing of our voices. Kiwis hate being censored and there will be no more of it when we win.
There will also be open and free choice in the health area. The oppressive Therapeutic Goods Act will be relegated to the Dustbin of Bad Ideas and Unnecessary State Busybodying! . Why should we not be free to choose openly, differing forms of medicines for our own bodies, not just Big Pharma drugs with their now very questionable research and money-driven motives? We will encourage a flowering of herbalists and osteopaths and homeopaths and acupuncturists and Ayuverdic doctors in New Zealand. We will openly discuss the vast and lately hidden, benefits of health modalities far beyond the limited , profit driven Big Pharma suppressions.
All of this when you give New Zealand Loyal one chance and one term- and perhaps beyond that when we do what no other has done in this country before… and that is, free it.
When you vote, do not mail in your ballots. The voting machines used in America are what we have here also. There is a reason jacinda wanted us all voting early, so that there would be fewer ‘ in person’ votes on the day, and able to be clearly counted, but rather, the early votes were taken in on corruptible machines. Don’t fall for that again, Make sure you Vote on the day and take a picture of your ballot. In addition, please volunteer to be scrutineers and personally take down the tallies of your voting station. Do not let yet another dictator be installed.
I, like you, am deeply loyal to this country, to you, The People, and to our Kiwi way of life.
So, let’s send a message to those who believe we are a nation of apathetic sheep with no backbone. Get up and get ready for the greatest political upset ever witnessed in this country. By voting New Zealand Loyal, you will be voting for your life, your freedom , and your future, and for perhaps above all, for the future of your family and your children.
We are to blame for losing control of our lives under this unpleasant and corrupted Labour-Greens government, so let’s make damn sure, we never lose that control again.
Over the next fortnight, we will be providing details of exactly how we achieve what we have stated here, in this overview of New Zealand Loyal policy.
We are currently appointing the Board and drawing up the party Constitution. We are then going to begin shoulder tapping the right candidates to go before the Board for selection, and I cannot thank the thousands and thousands of you who have viewed the New Zealand Loyal website, offered donations to help us get started, and signed up as valuable members and contributors. So many of you have written in offers of ways in which you would like to help. Please, if you are not yet signed up, sign below and share this messages to as many people as you possibly can-preferably person to person- to outsmart the ruthless government censorship.
Together, our love for our country and ultimately for each other as Kiwis First, will win over all the evils and deviousness they have unleashed on us relentlessly for the last three years and when we choose to vote Loyal in vast numbers, this party representing the power-back-to-the-people principle, will ensure all current 120 politicians are ousted in October. From there, we can begin again. And we can build the country we want to leave to our children’s children.
I’m Liz Gunn and I’m ready to reclaim our nation. Are you?
Be Loyal.
Liz Gunn
Party Leader
New Zealand Loyal
What an amazing example of true heart centred leadership you are Liz. Your vision for our Country is a vision whose time has come. If not now, when? If not us, who? We need a person guiding the way forward into uncharted waters of your integrity, intelligence, Heart, morality and courage. Thank you for standing up for us all. It is now up to us to get in behind you, our new party, our Country and make New Zealand the model that the rest of the world aspires to. WE can do this.
This is a message of hope that New Zealanders deserve! THANK YOU!