
New Zealand's Gene Technology Bill

Guy Hatchard PhD & Andrew Bridgen speak with Liz Gunn at the Freedom Train International LIVE NYE Event

Guy Hatchard PhD talks with Liz Gunn & Andrew Bridgen during the Freedom Train International Live broadcast about the Gene Technology Bill being introduced in New Zealand and the negative impacts it will have on our health, wellbeing and freedom.

Guy's article on his website: "Major Alert: New Zealand Government is Enshrining ‘Medical Mandates’ in Law" - https://hatchardreport.media/new-zealand-government-is-enshrining-medical-mandates-in-law/

On Substack 👇

VIDEO: The Gene Technology Bill — What Kiwis Need to Know:


The 24 hr LIVE event for New Years Eve was broadcast on Rumble here


Andrew Bridgen: https://x.com/ABridgen

Dr Guy Hatchard - https://x.com/GuyDHatchard

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