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Just today, Chapter 20 of Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski's "Logocracy" was translated.

The chapter is here:

"Logocracy - Chapter 20: The Science and Education Authority

Taking education out from under the influence of politicians"


Lobaczewski was the author of the increasingly popular book "Political Ponerology" (which I consider a "must read" for anyone who want to understand what is happening.

Harrison Koehli, in his introductory remarks, says this:

"The conceptual languages of educators and government officials are very different. But while the exercise of political power can (and should, in a logocracy) adapt itself to more psychological and sociological principles, education rarely benefits from political interference.

"Lobaczewski argues that education should be taken out of the hands of government, to become its own independent power, alongside the executive, legislative, judiciary, and another new power, that of social goods. This Academy would essentially become self-governing, with some controls placed on it by the other branches, but immune from the whims of changing administrations, elected representatives chasing votes, and political activists."

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