Thank you for sharing your awesome straight shooting letter. All who are involved in the decision making, knowing full well the outcomes, such as those at AGS, are guilty of causing Grevious Bodily Harm, Manslaughter & Murder!! The only peace I have is knowing they will pay for their evil crimes in the next life. Because they won't in this one! God bless you & your brave father & grandfather.

~ We Will Remember Them ~🌹

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Awesome letter, Roy you are a hero to those boys, and to Kiwis in general, you will save lives through your courageous actions.. THANK YOU

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May 3, 2023Liked by FreeNZ

Thank you for being a lion and caring so much for the youth of this country when those whose charge they are in behave like mice. The sooner the authorities wake up to the damage done the sooner young people can try to do something about treating the damage . Good doctors are out there working on it. People just need to say no this has to stop.

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The essential difference between Sheeple and Conspiracists. The Latter are always willing to discuss and carefully analyse the facts, the former will have nothing of it and the walls are impenetrable. Says something eh?

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May 3, 2023·edited May 4, 2023Liked by FreeNZ

I would like copies of the information sent to AGS Board & Headmaster.

How can we facilitate this ?

Is there a url with it available to down load.

I would be happy to set that up and upload them to it to encourage others.


There will come a time when enough info is avail

In the public domain about this to push the pedulum towards action against those with knowledge who were responsible.

It needs to be curated for everyone who wishes to, to access.

With the historical compliance of the NZ media this curation is needed more and more.

I am not aware of 1 site that is doing this at present.

I would like to facilitate this if possible.

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May 4, 2023Liked by FreeNZ

Good work but these evil, ignorant pricks will only change their attitudes if you can inflict a financial impact on them. That is possible if you know how to serve notice and claim, as in the 'sovereigns way'!

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What an absolute legend! I emailed Mr Champtaloup to thank him for taking a stand back when the newspaper tried to cancel him. Now I want to thank him again!

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May 4, 2023Liked by FreeNZ

Great work , people will be held to account , ignorance is no defense.

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Top letter 🙏🙏🙏🧿☯️

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May 3, 2023Liked by FreeNZ

Many thanks for penning and making this known. Just Brillant!

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These schools are training our children to be lemmings, is this what we want?

Certainly this govt does.... control control control.....

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Fantastic work Roy

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Thank you

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