They have NO RIGHTS to keep it from us ! I want to know if and WHAT monetary kick backs occurred !

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Yes please find it

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With you all the way, please post an account # where l can contribute to Court costs

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Account: 38-9017-0772606-01

Bank: Kiwibank

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Update for everyone. The FYI site is down even now at time of writing. Is it part of this global Microsoft issue or something else? What is suspicious was they were down yesterday, for about 4 hrs and this was before the global IT issue.

Thanks to those that completed OIA's and sent them through to my email, and the appreciated donations towards the filing fee. We value your support!

Another interesting point to raise: 1-2 years ago the OIA response would take the full 20 working days. Now, I am witnessing that some responses were received within an hour with a generic decline message. Suspicious......leave that to you.

Last count = 62 OIA's - great stuff, but we need more! Spread this substack far and wide.

Let's get our contract - TOGETHER!

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The fyi.org.nz website is totally down now. When you click on it nothing happens.

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I've clicked on the fyi link posted above but am only getting a blank page????

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The FYI website seems very jittery! I hope and Pray that is a result of many thousands making online requests....?

I was deep into a request and the site closed me down!

Here I go again.

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please keep us posted on your progress ....

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