You are very brave and full of courage. Somehow and in someway you will be rewarded

for the stance you have taken.

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I empathise with your horror at the hatred shown by people once considered friends. Until they repent and apologise, we cannot forgive them. I've just read of the same feelings of 'undesirables' in Nazi Germany. Our government has to face a new Nuremberg trial. And it must never happen again!

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That was a heartbreaking read. I feel connected to you and to everyone else who experienced this condemnation and hatred. Thank you for sharing. X

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The tables have turned as the non-vaxed will survive the horrors of what the shots have and will produce. Great that you had the courage to say no although it had a price. In the long run you will win.

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Reading this is heartbreaking, particularly when a young person, a student, says such a despicable statement. Well unfortunately, that is what is happening to more of the people who chose the other way. Either death or adverse effects. So very sad the whole damn things, but also the anger that swells up in my still, at how incredibly hideously callous and psychopathic this government has behaved. Also in it's treatment to divide us and cause such sadness and despair amongst families and friends. I pray for a better world and imagine the repair that lies ahead for us all. Thank you for your story.

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can relate Also was mandated and was one of the main relief teachers Now the mandate is gone they dont phone me because stood up to them

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