Excellent article. You are absolutely correct about those who stood by and kept silent allowing their countrymen to be treated with disdain and alienation. A NZer, I live in Australia, and the same thing has happened here. I am appalled at NZ Prime Minister, but having researched her background, am now not surprised. She is aligned with Klaus Schwab, WEF, UN etc. All with the purpose of having One World Government. It is a disaster for the world population. We must stand united and fight this corruption in whatever way we can. What is planned for the future, Agenda 2030, is an abomination.

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Margaret, what you write is totally accurate and is, indeed, deeply alarming. But the more Kiwis and Aussies who wake up to the ugly Truth of it all, the sooner our Love will overcome their evils and their totally misguided ideologies. Our forebears would indeed be horrified at the current betrayals of all they stood for and fought for so our generation - and that of our children - could be free .

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Really appreciate you pushing on Liz. Many freedom fighters will fade into the background now themandates are lifted but the true fight for freedom has only just begun.

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Thank you for this and yes, our little brave team will indeed push on with the love and support of real Kiwis like you .

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Could not agree more , this has been a terrible display of lies , from a Tranny Government led by a party that has no clue how to run a country. They have created and are still creating apartheid and segregation throughout New Zealand. Encouraging people to tell on each other encouraging fellow Kiwis to discriminate against each other and all the while changing our constitutional right to have freedom of voice and freedom of choice. This is not a democracy…. this is far from it. I’m still embarrassed to be a Kiwi. Our country is now over $120 billion in debt and for what. An agenda pushed down peoples throats by a women who clearly has zero empathy and with no exceptions. The war has just begun people , many Kiwis will suffer and die these next few years because of it and possibly many more. It’s not okay! Least we forget .

Governments politicians lawmakers everyone should be held accountable for their actions. I really truly hope justice will be served eventually because it certainly isn’t being served now. Is it global agenda here and we are being sold out as we speak. Stand up New Zealand or lose everything. Enough said

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Your writing is also powerful Philip, and your views are spot on - though also painful to face such Truth. Yet the Truth will set us all free . Once we wake up to the evils going on from this government, we can unite much more quickly to overcome their wrongdoing through our Love and our courage .

These lines of yours had especial resonance :

"This is not a democracy…. this is far from it.

I’m still embarrassed to be a Kiwi.

Our country is now over $120 billion in debt and for what.?

An agenda pushed down people's throats ...

...by a women who clearly has zero empathy

...and with no exceptions."

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It would seem that we are like frogs being slowly heated up to boiling point. So gradual we don’t realise it. It would seem a slow and comfortable transition into slavery for many of us. We don’t realise we need to stand up and FIGHT! This is a different fight. It’s slow and insidious and it creeps up on you, and before you realise it, it’s too late. A multi factorial informational, technological, psychological and spiritual war.

What is that saying…. the devils greatest trick is convincing you that he doesn’t exist.

But I believe that little alarm bells have started going off in peoples subconscious. They know something is not right, but can not put a finger on it or can not make sense of it just yet. It’s a big pill to swallow to be fair. ‘Waking up’, is like finding oneself in a horrendous nightmare that won’t end. Let’s receive the people who are waking up with open arms, cos it’s going to suck. In the end we are probably all on the same side, we just don’t realise it yet.

Thanks for the great article. We must not disrespect our ancestors, it is through their fighting spirit, that we even exist on this planet today!

Thanks grandfather, for setting an example of the strength, courage and principles that now exist within me too 💛

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Beautiful words and sentiments... so sad to see photos of soldiers in remembrance wearing masks and not even acknowledging or questioning the irony. Remaining silent when we all need to stand up in honour and truth, is the biggest crime of all. When will it hurt so much, and we have lost so much to make us realise that we the people need to stand shoulder to shoulder together. There is more tragedy and pain to come as most still have their heads in the sand. This is sent to wake us up. The deeper the slumber the more pain we will endure.

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When I read articles like this, I know that New Zealand is going to be just fine. <3

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So Beautifully said Liz Thank you :)

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Thank you for this appreciation. This is written by one of our team who wishes to remain anonymous but I will ensure she knows that her fine writing is valued

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Thanks so much Linda, glad the article resonated with you.

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This is a thoughtful and beautifully presented article, honouring those who have gone before and stood for the freedom of our nation. As we stand on the foundation they laid down with their lives we must never allow this tyranny to overcome New Zealand. It is time to show our true colours and lineage of strength and freedom.

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Excellent article… “Lest we forget… and we forgot.”

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You lost me at Aotearoa.

None of the brave men you claim to honour fought for that communist-tribalist-enforced name.

(That’s why it’s ANZAC Day, not AAAC Day.)

Nor did they fight under that bogus flag so beloved by your fellow traitors.

Why do so many craven white women (of which I presume you’re one) feel so compelled to surrender every vestige of the country their forefathers built?

Once, women pinned white feathers on men who refused to fight for New Zealand.

Now their treacherous descendants pour scorn on those who do.

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If you got lost at Aotearoa, Mr Ansell, you lost the rest of us with your confused assumption with what you believe the writer of this article was presenting.

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Why don’t you address the point I raised, Jan?

And what makes you think you speak for everyone?

I was not writing a precis of what the writer was presenting.

I was pointing out that by using a bogus name and bogus flag for my country, the writer deterred me from exploring her beliefs.

(My assumption that Anonymous was a she may have been confused. But I doubt it.)

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