If it's not one thing it's something else - the moneyed, power-hungry geezers and elite crazies are sure pushing sh*t faster than most of us can blink. Talk about keeping us all unbalanced but thank goodness there are the pure-minded standing in the gap ... and I've just read the title, not the article!

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I love what the french are doing - tres bien

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What they are doing in France is commendable yet I can't see it lasting over any long term.

If governments are determined to have the commoners existing inside digital gulags then they will get their way in the long run. ATMs will slowly disappear, bank branches will stop holding and issuing cash. They will cite various reasons for doing this (cost of operation, security, staff safety, etc). Cash in circulation will steadily dry up.

In conjunction, the CBDC will have been rolled out as the 'modern, user friendly solution' and once a certain threshold of compliant people are onboarded to this new system the Government will then say it is not worth printing new cash anymore, as most people don't use it. The usual 10% or so of committed holdouts will soon discover that the use of any cash remaining in circulation (and exponentially reducing) gets harder by the day, it will be too much effort for retailers and others to accept and process such small amounts. Existence, even survival, in the world without having 'digital everything' will become virtually impossible.

Faith in cash is eventually wiped out by default, as faith in zeros and ones as the method of buying and selling goods and services is normalised and accepted.

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The compliant corporate numpties at Christchurch Airport...fully cashless. You'll be trapped in that place, unable to eat, drink or remove your car. The growing number of starving inmates could become an inconvenience?

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Anyone doing business with SG who see and understand what is happening here should consider about voting with their feet.... send them a message that impacts their revenue.

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I have done this myself, it works, and it holds up the checkouts and others start to see the issues and the switch goes on.

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As an expat Kiwi, living in Joburg, the digi-ID has always been close, as all saffers and legal residents are issued with ID numbers, which are linked to addresses, bank accounts, tax accounts etc, etc. The success and continuance of violent crime and armed robberies make it all too easy for the locusts in charge to insist on creating a cashless society. If a business is known to accept cash, it becomes a target of the criminals. It's a great selling feature for the Banks, etc and the people consider security above all else, obviously!

As your article suggests, for the sake of freedom and the future of our children, FIAT currency must be retained at all costs. One thought I had, was for a Gold based FIAT currency, similar to Crypto, controlled by each individual on a block chain web, an account where taxes and municipal charges are paid out of, but where control is in the hands of the account holder.

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Most kiwis are going to roll and accept sadly

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Dave, share this sort of message with impunity! If you get the right ones on board, you've done your job. Walk the walk and talk the talk!

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Thanks Liz. Great post. Added link to my article.

There is also a petition to repeal the Act.


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