I am also one of these people. Thank you for the wonderful praise. We really do not need to be thanked as this Covid thing was one of suspect right from the beginning. Who ever in our history has needed to be coerced and told that they must get this jab without first doing their own homework into an untested vaccine. Sure , with so many of the population it was 'Fear'. Too many people today rely on their Government to tell them what to do, but I am the other way and believe that it is 'We the people' who vote a party in to work for us...........not against us.
I am one of these people, and I am overwhelmed to read such praise. What we did was done out of informed knowledge and conviction. Some decisions are hard to make. This was not. What is difficult to understand is that so many intelligent people were unable to "look before they leapt".
This Text has been written by the Spanish biologist Fernando López Mirones. It looks like it has been read all over the world. Thanks for correcting it.
I am not vaccinated either but when the coersion push was on I was ostracised and cold sholdered by some. Now I ask the vaxxed how are they feeling now ? Funny nobody wants to talk to me anymore isn't that funny.
General Blanchon is not the original author of this piece. The author is the Spanish biologist and film maker Fernando Lopez-Mirones. The English translation is not even strictly complete, it lacks the last line: "Yes, it is you, the culmination of the spirit of the Homo sapiens indomitus." It was originally posted on his Telegram chanel t.me/elaullido on July 26, 2022
My husband and I are 2 of you. He probably would have taken it but I told him if he did he would have to leave our home and return to Germany without me. I thank you for this characterization of us, and truthfully my husband would not have made this choice were it not for a terrible bicycle accident which caused a traumatic brain injury. After the accident he agreed with me and also met Jesus while unconscious for a few days. I am the stronger of the two of us, I am resolute. I knew the minute I heard of fake covid that it was fake and the shot would be deadly. God tells you the truth if you listen to Him. I lost my entire family, two family weddings, many gatherings, but my daughter allowed us to come back in as did her husband’s entire family. My family - no. My in-laws are better than my family. Thank you Fernando!
I can't accept the compliment. I was ready to lose my job, but didn't, but honestly only one person openly bitched at me for not being vaccinated and I just thought it was funny.
When someone says to you "Do this or else!"...especially when you haven't been given the opportunity to examine the evidence, or are threatened and disappeared for questioning the narrative, then the answer must be "No".
Este texto es original del biólogo y escritor Español Fernando López Mirones le pido en su nombre que rectifique la utoria pues no lo escribió el general Christian Blanchon , y si no lo hace se verá en los tribunales con Fernando López Mirones. Gracias
He has a Telegram Channel. This text was written on July the 25th. He just wants that people know who did wrote the text. I know that some people on Twitter are writting the General to tell him. Fernando López Mirones has fighted for freedom during this crazy times and they have cancelled his account and cannot really defend or writte directly to the general.
Texto viral escrito por Fernando López-Mirones titulado
1. ORIGINAL EN ESPAÑOL publicado el 25 de julio de 2022 en EL AULLIDO de Telegram:
Fernando López-Mirones.
Incluso si yo fuera polinoculado y pautacompleta, miraría a los purasangre con admiración por haber sido capaces de resistir la mayor de las presiones jamás vista, incluso de sus parejas, padres, hijos, amigos, compañeros de trabajo y médicos.
Las personas que han sido capaces de semejante personalidad, valentía y capacidad crítica son, sin duda, lo mejor de la humanidad.
Están por todas partes, de toda edad, educación, condición e ideas. Son de una pasta especial, son los soldados que todo ejército de la luz querría en sus filas.
Son los padres que querría todo hijo, y los hijos soñados de cualquier padre. Son seres por encima de la media de sus sociedades, son la esencia de los humanos que construyeron todas las culturas y conquistaron horizontes.
Están ahí, al lado de usted, parecen normales, pero son
Hicieron lo que otros no pudieron, fueron el árbol que resistió el huracán de insultos, descalificaciones y marginación social.
Y lo hicieron pensando que estaban solos, creyéndose los únicos.
Eliminados de las mesas de sus propias familias en Navidad, jamás se vio nada tan cruel. Perdieron trabajos, dejaron hundirse sus carreras, se quedaron sin dinero... pero les dio igual.
Aguantaron ser discriminados, señalados, delatados y sufrieron humillaciones sin medida... pero siguieron.
Nunca antes en la humanidad hubo un casting similar, ahora sabemos quiénes son los mejores del planeta Tierra.
Mujeres, hombres, mayores, jóvenes, ricos, pobres, de toda raza o religión, los purasangres, los elegidos del arca invisible, los únicos que fueron capaces de mantenerse firmes cuando todo se hundió.
Esos sois vosotros, habéis superado una prueba inconcebible que muchos de los más duros marines, comandos, boinas verdes, astronautas y genios no han sido capaces de resistir. Estáis hechos con la materia de los más grandes que jamás existieron, esos héroes que nacen entre la gente normal y que brillan en la oscuridad.
Sí, eres tú, la culminación del espíritu del Homo sapiens indomitus. Un aullido.
Fernando López-Mirones.
La fuente donde se escribió por primera vez es Fernando López-Mirones
Si queréis aullar e interactuar con nosotros, podéis entrar en ➡️ @ElAullidoChat 🤠
I am also one of these people. Thank you for the wonderful praise. We really do not need to be thanked as this Covid thing was one of suspect right from the beginning. Who ever in our history has needed to be coerced and told that they must get this jab without first doing their own homework into an untested vaccine. Sure , with so many of the population it was 'Fear'. Too many people today rely on their Government to tell them what to do, but I am the other way and believe that it is 'We the people' who vote a party in to work for us...........not against us.
I am one of these people, and I am overwhelmed to read such praise. What we did was done out of informed knowledge and conviction. Some decisions are hard to make. This was not. What is difficult to understand is that so many intelligent people were unable to "look before they leapt".
This Text has been written by the Spanish biologist Fernando López Mirones. It looks like it has been read all over the world. Thanks for correcting it.
I am unvaccinated too and it was hard but now I am happy not to have taken this poison.
I am not vaccinated either but when the coersion push was on I was ostracised and cold sholdered by some. Now I ask the vaxxed how are they feeling now ? Funny nobody wants to talk to me anymore isn't that funny.
General Blanchon is not the original author of this piece. The author is the Spanish biologist and film maker Fernando Lopez-Mirones. The English translation is not even strictly complete, it lacks the last line: "Yes, it is you, the culmination of the spirit of the Homo sapiens indomitus." It was originally posted on his Telegram chanel t.me/elaullido on July 26, 2022
Ok Thanks for clarifying that, and with the source. I will edit it to credit him as the author.
My husband and I are 2 of you. He probably would have taken it but I told him if he did he would have to leave our home and return to Germany without me. I thank you for this characterization of us, and truthfully my husband would not have made this choice were it not for a terrible bicycle accident which caused a traumatic brain injury. After the accident he agreed with me and also met Jesus while unconscious for a few days. I am the stronger of the two of us, I am resolute. I knew the minute I heard of fake covid that it was fake and the shot would be deadly. God tells you the truth if you listen to Him. I lost my entire family, two family weddings, many gatherings, but my daughter allowed us to come back in as did her husband’s entire family. My family - no. My in-laws are better than my family. Thank you Fernando!
I can't accept the compliment. I was ready to lose my job, but didn't, but honestly only one person openly bitched at me for not being vaccinated and I just thought it was funny.
When someone says to you "Do this or else!"...especially when you haven't been given the opportunity to examine the evidence, or are threatened and disappeared for questioning the narrative, then the answer must be "No".
Este texto es original del biólogo y escritor Español Fernando López Mirones le pido en su nombre que rectifique la utoria pues no lo escribió el general Christian Blanchon , y si no lo hace se verá en los tribunales con Fernando López Mirones. Gracias
Actually this text is from an Spanish biologist called Fernando López Mirones.
Ok. This is a re-publishing and am happy to correct it, do you have your source?
He has a Telegram Channel. This text was written on July the 25th. He just wants that people know who did wrote the text. I know that some people on Twitter are writting the General to tell him. Fernando López Mirones has fighted for freedom during this crazy times and they have cancelled his account and cannot really defend or writte directly to the general.
Ok Thanks will edit
Texto viral escrito por Fernando López-Mirones titulado
1. ORIGINAL EN ESPAÑOL publicado el 25 de julio de 2022 en EL AULLIDO de Telegram:
Fernando López-Mirones.
Incluso si yo fuera polinoculado y pautacompleta, miraría a los purasangre con admiración por haber sido capaces de resistir la mayor de las presiones jamás vista, incluso de sus parejas, padres, hijos, amigos, compañeros de trabajo y médicos.
Las personas que han sido capaces de semejante personalidad, valentía y capacidad crítica son, sin duda, lo mejor de la humanidad.
Están por todas partes, de toda edad, educación, condición e ideas. Son de una pasta especial, son los soldados que todo ejército de la luz querría en sus filas.
Son los padres que querría todo hijo, y los hijos soñados de cualquier padre. Son seres por encima de la media de sus sociedades, son la esencia de los humanos que construyeron todas las culturas y conquistaron horizontes.
Están ahí, al lado de usted, parecen normales, pero son
Hicieron lo que otros no pudieron, fueron el árbol que resistió el huracán de insultos, descalificaciones y marginación social.
Y lo hicieron pensando que estaban solos, creyéndose los únicos.
Eliminados de las mesas de sus propias familias en Navidad, jamás se vio nada tan cruel. Perdieron trabajos, dejaron hundirse sus carreras, se quedaron sin dinero... pero les dio igual.
Aguantaron ser discriminados, señalados, delatados y sufrieron humillaciones sin medida... pero siguieron.
Nunca antes en la humanidad hubo un casting similar, ahora sabemos quiénes son los mejores del planeta Tierra.
Mujeres, hombres, mayores, jóvenes, ricos, pobres, de toda raza o religión, los purasangres, los elegidos del arca invisible, los únicos que fueron capaces de mantenerse firmes cuando todo se hundió.
Esos sois vosotros, habéis superado una prueba inconcebible que muchos de los más duros marines, comandos, boinas verdes, astronautas y genios no han sido capaces de resistir. Estáis hechos con la materia de los más grandes que jamás existieron, esos héroes que nacen entre la gente normal y que brillan en la oscuridad.
Sí, eres tú, la culminación del espíritu del Homo sapiens indomitus. Un aullido.
Fernando López-Mirones.
La fuente donde se escribió por primera vez es Fernando López-Mirones
Si queréis aullar e interactuar con nosotros, podéis entrar en ➡️ @ElAullidoChat 🤠
Otras redes:
- YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/ElAullido
- Twitter: https://bit.ly/TWMirones
- Facebook: https://bit.ly/FBMirones
Un aullido.
Este texto es del Biólogo y escritor español Fernando López Mirones