And RFK actually understands the biological harm done by radiofrequency radiation, too. Helen Clark's legalisation of cell towers anywhere Big Telco wants to put them on public land has been a disaster for NZ. But again, if that's regulated in the US, it could change things for the better here too.
Soooooooo much needs to change in the world! Thank you to these people who can help cos our own government is still harming us and ignoring the harm!! Hope they all have to go and attend re- education and pay reparation for the damages they’ve caused…even the councils!!
Letts cross our fingers. There is talk of massive civil unrest regardless of who wins and surely, surely, these excellent intentions won't go unchallenged by the Deep State and Big Pharma and all the sickness profiteers. I expect this to be an uphill battle BUT my prayers go with Trump, RFK and Vance.
There's no reason why the Democrats won't repeat their 2020 steal. They got away with it, and the mainstream media was complicit. And the 2024 steal is going on right now.
"The 2024 election will be stolen by LEGAL mail-in ballots, to LEGAL voters, at LEGAL addresses - which are undeliverable, because that person has moved, died, or that address cannot receive mail. NGOs are gathering these loose ballots and voting them for the Left." is documenting all the illegitimate addresses for Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nevada, and Michigan.
Here's the breakdown of illegitimate addresses for Pennsylvania alone --
Total 1,420,435
-Missing or wrong apt number: 323,524
-Invalid address: 346,505
-Dead people who are actively registered to vote: 4,155
-Used Post Office Physical Address: 240
-Registration occurred on a fed holiday: 315,517
-Moved, left no forwarding address: 27,672
-Permanently moved out of state: 262,488
-Permanently moved to a new county: 169,083 (within Pennsylvania)
I get the Gateway Pundit reports/news of all the stealth going on and much more news of the US, all you say is true! Also no identity required for Americans voting from overseas. Incredible! The Dems hate Donald Trump because he will expose them for what and who they are.
Too few likes Liz! We need tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millons! Great assemblage of thought. May our Prayers and positive ACTIONS, also bring commonsense back to where it belongs! D
I'm wondering if Trump will have a desk behind the podium where he will swear the Presidential oath ; based on the Uniformed Code; to signing off laws to vacate the laws Biden signed in . It will be like the day when the school kid went to the car to get the color crayons and they were all melted by the heat of the day and how they cried . Yes I can see a cabinet with Robert Kennedy and Elon Musk absolutely wreaking destruction on the leftist policies from the Clinton , Obama and Biden administrations . And I'll be thinking about all those colored crayons MELTING !
And RFK actually understands the biological harm done by radiofrequency radiation, too. Helen Clark's legalisation of cell towers anywhere Big Telco wants to put them on public land has been a disaster for NZ. But again, if that's regulated in the US, it could change things for the better here too.
Soooooooo much needs to change in the world! Thank you to these people who can help cos our own government is still harming us and ignoring the harm!! Hope they all have to go and attend re- education and pay reparation for the damages they’ve caused…even the councils!!
Letts cross our fingers. There is talk of massive civil unrest regardless of who wins and surely, surely, these excellent intentions won't go unchallenged by the Deep State and Big Pharma and all the sickness profiteers. I expect this to be an uphill battle BUT my prayers go with Trump, RFK and Vance.
There's no reason why the Democrats won't repeat their 2020 steal. They got away with it, and the mainstream media was complicit. And the 2024 steal is going on right now.
"The 2024 election will be stolen by LEGAL mail-in ballots, to LEGAL voters, at LEGAL addresses - which are undeliverable, because that person has moved, died, or that address cannot receive mail. NGOs are gathering these loose ballots and voting them for the Left." is documenting all the illegitimate addresses for Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nevada, and Michigan.
Here's the breakdown of illegitimate addresses for Pennsylvania alone --
Total 1,420,435
-Missing or wrong apt number: 323,524
-Invalid address: 346,505
-Dead people who are actively registered to vote: 4,155
-Used Post Office Physical Address: 240
-Registration occurred on a fed holiday: 315,517
-Moved, left no forwarding address: 27,672
-Permanently moved out of state: 262,488
-Permanently moved to a new county: 169,083 (within Pennsylvania)
Total: 1,420,435
I get the Gateway Pundit reports/news of all the stealth going on and much more news of the US, all you say is true! Also no identity required for Americans voting from overseas. Incredible! The Dems hate Donald Trump because he will expose them for what and who they are.
Too few likes Liz! We need tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millons! Great assemblage of thought. May our Prayers and positive ACTIONS, also bring commonsense back to where it belongs! D
How Fantastic will this be!!!
Prediction , a minimum 5% difference between Trump and first place loser Ms Harris .
I'm wondering if Trump will have a desk behind the podium where he will swear the Presidential oath ; based on the Uniformed Code; to signing off laws to vacate the laws Biden signed in . It will be like the day when the school kid went to the car to get the color crayons and they were all melted by the heat of the day and how they cried . Yes I can see a cabinet with Robert Kennedy and Elon Musk absolutely wreaking destruction on the leftist policies from the Clinton , Obama and Biden administrations . And I'll be thinking about all those colored crayons MELTING !
And keep slaughtering Palestinians until they are all wiped out on behalf Jewish supremacist, sex abusive, donors: fucking great.
Still, at least they're more honest about it.