In re: "One has to ask, what was the motivation of the police on that dark day that they were assaulted?"

Well, I will tell you! The motive for this whole situation (the police assault, the bogus criminal charges, the ridiculous "conviction" and, as I anticipate, the impending incarceration of Liz Gunn) was not to try to DECEIVE anyone.

The purpose was to show CONTEMPT for ordinary citizens and to DEMORALISE them. This whole Stalinesque "show trial" is to say to Liz and to all of us: "We can lie to you, club you, abuse you and screw you over any which way we want, and there is nothing you can do about it - B***h!"

You say: "What is the lasting effect on their souls, and the souls of those perpetuating such injustice, or remaining acquiescent — whether in the police, the halls of justice, or parliament? For they will surely be judged on this and not least of all their strongest critic may well be themselves, for they will carry the knowledge of their harm with them forever, ..."

Bosh! These goons are probably clinical psychopaths. Clinical, natural-born psychopaths have no conscience and no ability to form one. These people are pathologically handicapped. Trying to apply the moral criteria of normal people to pathological deviants is a keystone of mistakes.

What we, the normal people of society, must do, is to identify such deviants and rigorously expunge and exclude them from all positions of power, influence and authority. Moralising about their behaviour is fruitless. We must be clinical about this, for the health of society. Exclude them, isolate them and render to them such treatment as may be helpful to them, but keep them OUT of public life!

Finally, "Truth Is A Healer." The simple knowledge that these people are trying to demoralise us, provides, in and of itself, a certain degree of protection against it. It helps to dispel the "cognitive dissonance" that "pathocrats" rely on to terrorise and confuse their victims.

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Great article , Liz was obviously targeted.

The 3rd video in Michaels post explains at a macro level what's going on today.



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Very well written and excellent citations from Black's Law and the Police Code. In no way does touching the shoulder of the airport worker constitute assault. And in what world can the police and court justify a male policeman throwing an unarmed, older woman violently to the ground, injuring her, as an appropriate use of force or a lawful act? The contract of governance is given only from the consent of the governed and when the public sees the fair and equitable rule of law not upheld, that contract is under threat. How do we demand accountability from our police and court systems?

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Great article, brought a tear to my eye in a couple of spots. I don't recognise the country I grew up in for 19.5 years of my life. I left NZ in '93 & I am not sure what has happened. Mind you NZ was always known for having a lot of sheep. Liz & all her crew give me hope.

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Well written Mary, as sad as the chain of events are, you have elicited all of the emotions and painted the heartbreak and physical assault as if the reader was there.

As Matt and Kiwi point out, our Liz was targetted with political interference and not with the law and the rights of individuals in the minds of the goons, present, or the goons behind them.

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