I haven't bought the Herald for years now. I no longer even own a TV. Don't pay any attention to legacy media at all.

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Imagine if your example could be replicated across the northern part of New Zealand !

Then, The People could drive the corrupt Herald rag, with its bullying and dishonest and dishonourable hack-journos , right out of existence.

It's fun watching the hacks in MSNBC now come snivelling back to Trump - people like Morning Joe and that blonde nasty who sits next to him. I was watching an analysis of their hateful MSNBC fronting today on the Megyn Kelly Podcast. Highly recommend it. It shows that The People have the power over these jumped up little men like Braunias who has intimidated good people, here in NZ, and written sardonic, supercilious and super silly articles , twisting the Truth, for years.

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Thank you Liz Gunn, for standing up for the disenfranchised in New Zealand. You have been treated with absolute distain by those who are in positions of power in NZ. God bless you Liz "The righteous are as bold as a lion."

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I deeply appreciate this comment.

It has been brutal. But I can look at myself in the morning mirror and know that I gave my all for my country for four long and arduous years.

So did many others of us who are decent Kiwis .

But there are also many who are the opposite of decent and that is why the chances of our winning against the globalist onslaught become exponentially tougher.

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This system is not a Justice system it is a judicial system. The difference is justice applies to God's laws and natural laws . Judiciary means that the system is for man made laws or the laws of a government, tyrant or dictator . This is tyranny the same that has been used in the US against political opposition as in J6 and Trump supporters . Logic honesty and integrity does not apply in a Judiciary system . Prime examples , French Revolution , Communist Philosophy , Russian communist policy and the judiciary under the Nazi's . Please request a video of the proceedings . Don't accept a written transcript !

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Thank you Mitch and I would like to delve deeper into what you say here.

That last line is interesting too . In your view, can the written version be subject to 'modification"?? How deep does the corruption go ?

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Let me state what happened to me in my High Court case against the NZ NRA that I was on their Technical Committee to advise on safety and rules . What happened in my case , Judge Judy Melling entered the Court took her seat and made the statement that she was considering to dismiss the case on advise from "SOMEONE" who had given evidence on the case in confidence to her . My Barrister responded that this case is about Range Safety and she then changed her mind and dropped the hammer to start the case ! I would love to know who advised her to drop the case . I won the part that I was illegally thrown out of the NZ NRA for which the NRA offered a pretrial settlement that I refused . NONE of the issues I had given my Barrister which was 2000 pages and and a index I had prepared , were ever presented in court , hence the NRA got to continue violating range safety rules ,,, for which Nicole McKee is NOW trying to have rifle and shotgun ranges evade range inspection and compliance to safety rules . I then decided to raise an appeal on my own with out legal representation for which the clerk at the appeals court refused to accept the application , stating it HAD to be done by a lawyer ! During this I went back to the court to acquire the video of the proceedings to see how many minutes the NRA lawyer stated Please judge , Please Judge begging for mercy and evading the issues for which I wanted to be put on the stand to have the NRA to ask me questions , my lawyer LIED to me by telling me up till 2 weeks before the hearing I could have myself put on the stand . Then HE REFUSED me giving testimony when he told me it was HIS CASE NOW ! So the Judge originally refused to give me access to the video , unless I came to COURT and listened to it in the court room and I could NOT record the proceedings . That wasn't acceptable so I asked for a transcript and she agreed to do that even though it was not normal protocol . When I got it , it was very clear parts were NOT IN THE TRANSCRIPT ! One part was the pleading of the NRA lawyer Please Judge , Please Judge that went on for at least 10 mins ! This was not the first time that I have received a transcript that was doctored . Always take a video even if its covertly or illegally done . Sorry but I do not trust the Judaical system of this country , nor that of the US , and you can see that yourself with the convictions by Democrat judges in the J6 case , as only ONE example . One of the FEW times I saw some justice was when Randy Weaver won his case against the US Govt which murdered his wife Vicki and his son Sammy , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Weaver . Is one version of what happened .

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Thank you Liz for all you have done.

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Thank you Lisa. I appreciate your comment

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You are so welcome Liz, You have been the sun to so many who sat in darkness!

Thank you for being true to who you are!

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It's not easy to follow the Bard's timeless advice _" To thine own self be true" ,

But I know that at the hour of our death, that is a key treasure from our journey on this earth, that we take with us. Oh, and the love of those we have loved and who have seen and felt and valued that love.

I see yours in this message, and I will treasure that also Lisa .

Thank you.

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Stay strong my fellow Kiwis. Karma will takes it's toll on the ingrates. Keep a list of the complicit BUT stay focused on your Blessings! Liz is a hero, a modern day Joan of Arc. Put God first in all that you do and surely you will be Blessed in all that you do! 🙏

I stopped watching any msm way back in March 2020. It's tickets for the herald!

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Thank you Dan.

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Thats the trouble we have politics, law and order, media, medical personnel that have been paid to do as Labour and now National want.

The only way to win in the courts would be if you have a Judge who is not open to bribery and still has integrity, respect for honesty.

Dont worry Liz and Jonathon their day will come when they have to answer (maybe not as soon as we would like )but there will be no getting away from what they have done in this life.

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I thought that today listening to that judge.

She does not deserve to be anywhere near an environment that requires balance and justice.

She was so violently partisan and biased that it became deeply uncomfortable listening to her twist the truth to fit the agenda she had for me from the get-go.

And the same with the prosecutor who must have seen the footage from all the cameras and thence the violence and brutality perpetrated on me. And he must have demanded that all but the most distant airport footage, largely obscuring the physical attacks from those thug cops on me and on Jonathan, be excluded - just so he could manipulate the hollow 'victory' he pushed for with the drooling enthusiasm of a hyena.

How either of them sleep at night is beyond me. Their corruptions will come back to haunt them in future years and possibly in future lifetimes ,until they realise that this is not the way to earn a crust.

The twisting of the Truth will eventually show up in their twisted faces as they age, and live long enough to experience their own dark karma from this, and the resultant deep regret. They have perpetrated wrong. And somewhere deep inside each of them, their stifled souls will know it.

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as an aside be sure to read dr william makis sunday substack concerning an article in the lancet..be sure to reshare it widely but beware the censorship gestapo yes i do mean who you thinki mean

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Thank you for this. Can you link that article here ?

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Who is the person in this video who keeps interrupting in favor of the policeperson involved?

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The tall skinny redhead guy is a herald hack-journo, who just wanted to troll rather than ask intelligent searching questions to develop the crucial story that a good journo would write about : namely, whether our NZ courts are now compromised and subject to Lawfare.

The young woman, by contrast, was surprisingly from Stuff- who were terrible in Jacinda's c-19 rollout - yet her questions today were actual journalism, and had some thoughtful aspects to them. That was the one pleasant surprise.

The two herald hacks have not yet caught up with the huge shift in the zeitgeist of reporting since Trump got in. Pray God they will be ejected from their jobs and can do something constructive and humble like driving a useful weekly rubbish truck - into which they can empty their books of vapid scribblings, which at the moment are still sadly published in old granny Herald ! Please tell all your friends to cancel their Herald subs to help this awful rag fold up and go out of its business of lying to us all !!

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As an ex NZ resident now living in the Netherlands (where our dutch minister of health mentioned the cov19 measures were instructed by NATO /military) i am disgusted yet not surprised by these puppet herald journalists. Their time has come, there is a shift happening, unemployment is their future.

You are not alone Liz!!

Health and wisdom to all, Erik the Netherlands.

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Respect, bless you !💜🧬🙏🏼

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Hi Liz. The Assistant Attorney General just wrote 66 pages on my hearing. Fill with lies and misrepresentations. Apparently that is the way to conduct legal cases these days. Lie, and win. Poor people were always treated this way, but now the abuse hits older dignified ladies like us. As a lawyer, you probably understand that for some attorneys only a win counts. Not good work, ethics, etc. I am considering filing a complaint against the government's attorney in my case. Honesty is a requirement for lawyers in my state.

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As I have said in previous comments about this ... as a decent Kiwi ... as a decent human being ... I am disgusted with the NZ Police ... their assault on Liz and her cameraman ... and now, the entire NZ Judicial system is a very sick joke ...

I think moving to Australia is becoming a more attractive option for a lot of Kiwis ... by the day ...

As to the NZ Herald ... their ex Washington Post article re RFK jr (Sat 16th Nov) was one of the most evil pack of lies I have ever come across ... and I 'took it apart' paragraph by paragraph ... my response is 'too strong' ... too 'politically incorrect' for Substack ... but anyone with a secure email address can contact me for a copy



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Thanks for your tireless work, Liz. I am with you every step of the way. I cancelled my Herald subscription several months ago, and I keep getting beggar calls from them asking me to subscribe with generous offers. I remind them of the reason I cancelled, and since there is no change, I will not re subscribe. I, too, watch Meygan Kelly and now get all my news from YouTube, Rumble, and X. God bless.

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No way would I support bought-and -paid-for 'journalists' of the 'caliber' of Braunius & co at the Ferald. Stuff is truly stuffed too. All power to you Liz, despite that little worms comment, you do have staunch supporters. God Bless our Liz. Thank you for all the work you do. Appreciated.

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There is no other comparable alternative leader for NZ Loyal. Nobody I can see with the heart and soul that you have Liz. NZ Loyal political Party wanna bees have so many dishonest and egotistical members. They will see that they cannot inspire or achieve the level of respect that you do. Shortly Liz you will have the means to accomplish whatever goals that are important to you. Keep the faith for we were all called to be free but some have chosen to still be enslaved. Keep your faith in you, for you will be strengthened again to stand up strong against

this darkness.

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OK, Steve Braunias. Thanks.

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