Dear Kassandra et al,

I empathise with you. This event has affected us all, whether we consented to the demands or not.

With all due respect, however, I suggest you reframe your perspective:

This event didn’t change the underlying integrity of our (corporate) government, unions, employers, (corporate) citizens, friends, family and coworkers, it revealed it. In doing so it revealed the extent of the fantasy and erroneous presumption we lived in prior. It revealed some now self-evident truths from beneath a pre-existing fabric of overlying falsities.

I suggest you are actually mourning the loss of the sense of security these falsities previously supplied, the loss of your innocence and naïveté. This is a harrowing process and I do not wish to diminish the very real pain it causes, but I further suggest it is in fact a very, very good thing, and that in the future this will be celebrated as a pivotal moment in history.

The institution of corporate government has destroyed its own credibility in the eyes of a large and growing proportion of the people of the world, permanently. They can now see beyond any doubt that said governments do not operate for the good of the people, but for a different agenda. Worldwide, people must now face and act in light of this reality or by default consent and submit to this agenda.

Look around. The people with integrity are now revealed too. In many cases, they are not who you expected to see, are they? Just like you they have acknowledged what they felt in their hearts, and, just like you, have had the strength to stand on their principles. You can rely on them as they can rely on you. Many, many others now regret consenting, and this number will only grow. Everyone needs our compassion and support. Everyone has been traumatised. Everyone needs healing, but how is this possible without addressing this other agenda?

Look at our (corporate) governments. A single source of truth. Follow the Science. It was clearly all a lie. What is the real agenda? Whose agenda is it?

We are waking up. Going back to sleep is not an option, not unless you are willing to sell your integrity for a few pieces of silver, so it could never even be a peaceful sleep.

Corporate governments have tipped us all into the rabbit hole. Pretending it doesn’t exist is further naïveté. What else has been hidden under falsities?

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Thank you for your heartfelt words and the concise and articulate way in which you have summarised this avoidable and egregious abuse of human and medical rights.

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Powerful words. Will share. My eldest son lost a great teacher and role model to the mandates. It is a time in New Zealand history that will be remembered with infamy and disgust. I was born in the UK and live in NZ because I wanted to be here, it's my home and I have always been proud of this land and it's people. What has become of it lately however, is shameful and sickening. That is why I protest and why I fight with words; words of truth.

I'm in the fortunate position of being responsible for the running of a platform that promotes fact and truth over propaganda and misinformation, and I truly believe that the pen (or the keyboard) is mightier than the sword.

That such vital institutions as school and church have descended into totalitarianism so quickly, so enthusiastically. How did it come to this?

And I protest also because I have three children who I want to grow up in a free country and a free society that they can be proud of. If you're children's future isn't worth fighting for, then what is?

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Can totally empathize with you. Still unable to work as a heath professional.

Was treated with distain by certain family and barred from attending my church along with losing job.

The callousness I experienced has me questioning if I consider myself a New Zealander anymore.

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My heart breaks for you. My husband had the same experience after 20 years in the Police. Only 1 colleague contacted him a couple of times. We've lost many friends who were shown to be heartless and lacked logical thinking. I blame not only the government but society for not standing up against the disgusting things this govt did to us. Without compliance they would not have been able to succeed.

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So agree If all young men and women refused to go to war there would none As you say no compliance no war . The letter and all the comments are so on point and yes the learning from this hopefully will alert people to see where we have gone wrong . In saying that what have we learned from history to make society better for all ,it seems we have a long way to go

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Thank you for sharing Kassandra. I've walked a similar path to you over the last 18months or so. Your words have brought me some comfort. Hearing someone express so eloquently what I've been thinking and feeling for so long. Bless you. All the best on your journey of healing. We'll get there!

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So so sad, find like minded people - voices for freedom is where I found comfort in not being " sucked in" with daily propaganda- it is a pity that often the ones that "got it" are not respectful to those of use that have a different view. So many good people out there to help you through - this madness that so many are experiencing - take care.

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Hi , thanks for sharing your experience really appreciate it . Have you heard of the Section 83 Facebook page or the Number 8 Workers' Union of New Zealand Incorporated. maybe worth a look. Initiated by lawyer Liz M Lambert

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