A very inspiring discusion. If the freedom groups need another symbol. After listening to you 2 special people talk, from the language of hardship and the crucifixion of the Christ. You could instead of a cross have someone or 3 individuals who represent society Iimpaled on a vaccine syringe that is pointing into the earth. Jesus said " ...take courage I have conquered the world as an example for us to do the same. So the caption could be TAKE COURAGE YOU CAN CONQUER THIS WORLD".

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Thank you Jonathan.

The terrible suffering He went through was to let us all know that we who want a better world for all people, would experience a fraction of that horror -and be sustained by the example of His life, and His endless stoicism, and dedication to a Higher Power for our strength, while on earth, than anything that this fallen world can offer.

It's also a reminder, in His Resurrection ,that this world CAN be and WILL be born anew into a far more loving and respectful and united, peaceful place. Just pray God that it's in our lifetime but as Michael says in this discussion, if it's in the lifetimes of our children then at least we can die knowing we have done our best, for their best yet to come.

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Great chat. Inspired me to message Cafe on instagram

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Can you send me your email again please..

I've met Michael and his ex I believe at a rally . That both of you keep propping up the 'heroes the perception managers supply, is significantly ignorant, or just complicit. They've been using this method since the 1700s, yet the parameters of the framing you supply those consuming your content, you suggest that the false dichotomies do not exist, and that we have seen is deadly. The exit strategy narratives of 'bumbling politicians' in spite of this being the most premeditated holocaust in history, and logically, that the social.engineers provide the counter narrative and have hijacked is ridiculous not to explore.

As a part of this, the controlled opposition are as guilty, if not more guilty of the incremental and onhoing genocide.

I know 3 x 50ish men with cancer diagnosed in the last month.

31% increase in cancer diagnosis...

It could be in the water - hiw would we know?

The question I ask Malcolm Roberts and those idolising him, is how many people were injured or died as a result of him saying to the susceptible that 'states could mandate vaccination (injections)'

Idolatry is handing over your brain in a bag to an idea. Both of you prop up politicians or establishment props that are clearly on the world stage.

Like rat poison, the supplied counter narrative maintain critical lies.

You should interview Miri AF Lizz ...

You're a journalist aren't you...


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