It’s our belief that Doctors look after us and the Government would never do that that are hard to overcome especially in our little Paradise. I admire your husband it must have been so hard for him and you too. Much Love💖

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Thank for your open and honest testimony, you are right on point!

Unfortunately this same agenda is being played out worldwide . Our government is just another puppet!

Anyway lovely to have you alongside. As much as we are losing many friends, we are now making many more!

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The bottom line - question everything - think for yourself - do your own research and homework!

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Excellent article, Anon! Will share at Uncensored.co.nz where I administrate. Cheers.

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Fantastic, well written article and so true for me also

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Thanks Anita

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This will answer some of your questions, but it raises another... why is our government hiding this ? References to aspiration were actually REMOVED from NZ government web sites - fear of liability perhaps ?


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This is also another useful link explaining things further https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgVsd6qoyU4

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Why does this guy keep talking about the method of injection being the problem? Has he acknowledged yet that there may just be a problem with what is in the vials in the first place?

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The point he is making is that you can have immediate (within 3 days) and debilitating side effects if you inject mRNA vaccinations into a blood vessel and THIS CAN BE EASILY AVOIDED BY ASPIRATION - like wearing a seatbelt in a car - in fact I have done the math and the risk is about the same as getting killed in a car accident in New Zealand as getting injected accidentally into a blood vessel. It is the fact that you DO have a way to mitigate the side effects. It does not mean that this is the ONLY thing he is saying, it is ME choosing to post just TWO of his many videos.

Have you listened to his hundreds of other videos ? He is following the science and as a lifetime clinician, he is kindly translating the information into layman's talk. He is using reliable sources including the Lancet, published scientific papers and interviewing qualified professors and actual victims of the vaccine. I like him because being a English "northerner" he is pre-disposed to being critical and "cutting through the crap" whilst at the same time qualified to comment. Once you have watched many more of his videos, you will get what I mean.

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This would have more impact if the author put their name to it. It's doesn't sound like they have much left to lose.

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