The UK has criminalised late term abortion as far as I know. If it is murder then that may be appropriate.

As far as I know there is a demand for adoption. Education should teach that this is a valid option, when abortion is being considered. New parents should be able to escape and be anonymous. Maybe there needs to be a dating/marriage check available to avoid inbreeding by the grownup child, without making the identity of opt-out parents widely known. There must be a way to minimise the revealing of opt-out parents.

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Yes, I knew about Cindy's law. It's evil 😈 I agree.

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Please advertise the list of MPs who voted for the current abortion law. They should All be incarcerated for murder.

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It’s clear as you say Liz, it’s all about the destruction of the family unit and depopulation of the Great World Reset by the WEF and UN that are now running our country without our consent.


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I'm in 100% agreement !

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People need to be confronted with the consequences of their actions and it may just change their minds. If anyone can hear this and not be deterred, God help them.

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Hi, Liz,

Just a point of clarification. You stated that the Abortion Policy would ban abortions except in the cases of risk to the life of the mother and/or "no quality of life" for the child.

Is this for abortions (a) after the first trimester, or (b) for ALL abortions, at what ever stage of pregnancy?

I cannot support Option A at all. No abortion, at any stage, should get a "free pass." Embryology now supports the position of the Church, that life begins at the moment of conception.

Option B is also not consistent with Church teaching. However, I realise that it may be as much as is politically achievable.

Which interpretation of your policy is accurate? Please advise.

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No abortions after 3 months - and that will be subject to open and uncensored discussions with the People once we get in. We must listen to the People's Voice on this issue.

For now, the stance is to roll it back to what it was before this utterly inhumane government came to ( temporary) power in NZ with its plans to kill and maim as many Kiwis as it could covertly get away with to satisfy its eugenicist WEF overlords. Kiwis are now on to their corruptions and lack of any care for suffering human lives. We are awake to them in our thousands and probably in our millions. The Truth is setting Kiwis free

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Everyone should watch this and ask "Is this humane. Could I do this?"


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This is just horrifying.

It's important you posted this Barry.

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You spoke of the fact that too many party platforms neglect to ask the voters what they actually want. That is a fundamental weakness of democracy as it is currently practised.

I believe that a future constitution for New Zealand should have institutional structures for those voters who do not wish to be affiliated with any political party. The late Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski, in his book "Logocracy" (the translation of which is almost complete) has a chapter devoted to this subject.

Chapter 13 - The Logocratic Association:


Lobaczewski describes this "Logocratic Association" as follows (see link for complete chapter):

"We already understand that from the principle of public sovereignty arises the necessity of an organization of citizens who do not wish their persons to be subordinated to the leaders of political parties and their programs. Such people are often offended by their self-certain one-sidedness or radicalism. They feel they are friendly citizens to all their countrymen, regardless of social position and political beliefs. This attitude is due to the quality of their natures and affections, to their generally superior talents, to their prudence and wisdom in life. In democratic systems, unfortunately, this section of society is sometimes removed from influence on government. A logocratic system, which values such qualities of character and mind, will entrust this section of society with the role of a moderating and balancing factor, and at the same time will make use of its intellectual and creative possibilities.

"This should be realized by the organization of non-partisan citizens provided for in the constitution, ...Therefore, the establishment of this association will be characteristic of the logocratic system in all its possible forms, and the provision for its existence will be written into the first part of the constitution.

"Membership in the association will require two conditions: becoming a citizen and renouncing participation in any political party. The provisions of the second part of the constitution, the law, the statutes of the association, or a resolution of its council, could also exclude members of other organizations that are extreme, autocratic, or whose goals or leadership are secretive. [WEF, anyone?]... In addition, members of a logocratic association would be allowed to represent a wide range of diverse social and political views, and would be allowed to share them at association meetings, with due respect for custom.

"A logocratic association will not be a political party and therefore cannot adopt political or electoral programs and oblige its members to be guided by them. Resolutions of the chief council of the association on political matters may only be in the nature of opinions or resolutions, but they should be morally significant for society as a whole.

"The association will have the right, guaranteed by the constitution, to put forward candidates for all elective offices, whether president of the country, parliament, or local government. In justifying its choices, however, it can only give the values of character and mind of its candidates. ... In the legislature, the deputies and senators chosen from the association’s candidates will form a sufficiently numerous non-partisan grouping, which will be guided by common sense and good mental qualifications. Thus, a moderate grouping will be formed, often determining the results of the vote. Members of this grouping will invoke ... their own discernment of issues. Thus, no voting discipline will operate. This will contribute to the logocratic character of the whole parliament."

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