I would love to see this party merge with NZ first and Liz to take over from Winston. It would ensure a new party would arise that would forever change NZ politics

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Dream on, folks! Does anyone honestly think that Winston Peters, the most experienced man in politics today, will graciously step aside for Liz Gunn, who has never been in politics before? Methinks not!

Sorry, but there are no shortcuts here. I do not expect to win this round of elections. What we are doing to day, is laying the groundwork for the future of the country.

In the medium to long term, this current pathocracy will fall, as all other pathocracies have before it. In the short term, I'm afraid that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

As Josh Slocum said about a month ago:


"At the end of any social Mania comes what people call an "Extinction Burst" when the activists go absolutely crazy! They start literally, actually psychologically decompensating! Their lies, their defenses no longer work, people see through them, so they just go crazy! They throw everything every bit of [stuff] they got. They'll throw, they will try everything, and if they think they can't win they will try to pull people down into the hole with them while they go."

Brace yourselves, and stay strong!

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No you misinterpreted what I was suggesting, Team up with Winston, use his experience and following and takeover the role as leader of New Zealnd First by democratic vote. That is how that party actually works.

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I completely agree, this is the way to go. Neither party are likely make it alone - but together!!!

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Please print a transcript listening is time consuming

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It's a good idea, but we are an unpaid and under resourced skeleton crew filming these and getting them out asap to the public. Getting a transcript made straight after Liz does the dialogue is too time consuming at the moment for people in the team. Although Liz has notes to read from, much she does off the cuff.

If you are a capable transcriber, we could do with a volunteer that transcribes the published video and pass us a copy after that we could integrate as a downloadable pdf on the website. thx

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With an election as important as this it is imperative we listen to everything we possibly can.

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We all have 24 hours every day. Perhaps you could prioritise.

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As a firearms license holder, I have no issue with owners being licensed, it's the registration of individual firearms that is the issue because it creates a list of who has what & where - perfect pickings for the ferals.

If no license is required we lose control & the ability to prosecute those who wish to own firearms for nefarious purposes so this, I feel, requires some thought.

Also, any thoughts on concealed carry Liz? (Licensing should be required for this with license to be produced on request). It would certainly make the ferals think twice - as has been proven in the States.

Common sense at last, & yes, there are some serious reservations out there re the Christchurch situation. Submissions were given lip service only, the whole debacle gave the impression that new laws were already drawn up & ready to roll.

It would be interesting to know if the perpetrator is still in Mt Eden prison, or any other prison in this country.

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I, too, have no problem with licensing firearms holders, without registering the firearms themselves (i.e., the status quo ante Christchurch).

As for concealed carry, I think we should proceed with caution. One of the things I have always appreciated about NZ is the ability to go about my daily business, safely, UN-armed (unlike so many parts of the States). If we allow people to "pack heat" on the streets, I fear that would lead to an arms race, where cops will feel they have to pack pistols everywhere, and criminals escalate their firepower, etc.

However, one law that many U.S. States have passed, which I would absolutely support, are "Castle Laws" which specifically state that, if you are in your own home, and someone forcibly breaks and enters, and crosses your threshold, then you have the uncontested right to use any amount of force, up to and including deadly force, to protect yourself. Such a law would deter a lot of home invasions.

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History is our greatest teacher today.

Thank you for all you are doing.

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100% New Zealand Loyal, your attention to detail Liz is further brightening the light to a very dark tunnel New Zealand has been suffering under for decades. Love and Peace will flourish under your FREEDOM!

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I am a paid up member and have donated as well, yet these emails keep telling me I am a free subscriber and offer me to up grade as a paid subscriber. Would appreciate if this can be rectified.. Keep up the great work. I will be supporting you all the way.

Rita Tidswell 🌻

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Thank you for all the work you are doing to save our beautiful country

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Wonderfully presented facts about the tyranny we face at this time!

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