
NZDF Personnel Mandated Out During Covid-19 - Court Case Update

Interview with former NZDF Soldiers Matt & Daniel

Liz Gunn speaks to Matt & Daniel, two former NZDF personnel who stood their ground with great moral courage and fibre, during the forced vaccine mandates.

These two good men discuss the long periods of waiting while not being allowed in uniform or on base, the Court triumph - followed by violation of the court orders by the military hierarchy - and their unceremonious and totally unjustified dismissal during that painful, and deeply wrongful period.

These men epitomise all of our finest soldiers, seamen and pilots who stood firm and showed the inner fortitude (which is so needed in our Defence Force) during the bullying by the Labour Government and their bureaucratic henchmen across New Zealand. It was especially bad within our military. The best of our serving Kiwis were humiliated, belittled, and not valued for their years of loyal service to their country. To all of us.

If we want the dignity and mana of our New Zealand Defence Force to be restored, we need men of this calibre to replace those still currently at the upper levels. Those who still sit in the management levels of our military and who were enforcing Labour’s cruel policies, showed no support or decency towards those in the front lines. We need to name them and highlight what they did. And yet you see in this interview, despite all the hurt sent their way, neither Matt nor Daniel want to point the finger. They simply want to see justice served and our military rebuilt.

We need men of this courage and honesty who care for the troops, to lead a New Zealand Military Rebirth.

We need all of those who were so wronged in the Covid Mandate Years to be recompensed, here in New Zealand, in the same ways that Donald Trump is undertaking to look after and promote and honour those in America whose service to their country was equally violated and degraded in the madness of the Covid mandate policies.

Here they update us on their latest as they await the result from their Appeal.
