YES absolutely support this for the NZDF . Doesn't it show the Good Ole Boy mentality in the military influenced by the political social agenda . Now a bigger question. With 400,000 new immigrants in the last 6 years from the leftist , how many would leave NZ if they had to join a militia under the government as Territorials ? History has shown that foreigners in NZ at the beginning of WW2 went back to their home countries , Germany and Italy. On the other hand those that will stay in the event of a South Pacific war ,, would give them a 5th column already in NZ !

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Absolutely spot on.

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The immigrants were much more than they stated over that period of time. 380,000 in the last year alone and at least 200,000 each of the previous ten years. Our replacement population has been growing steadily fo decades.

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Thank you Liz, Matt and Daniel. I totally support the Defence Force and they all should have an apology, full back pay and be invited back pronto. It's so cruel what so many have gone through absolutely disgusting to be treated like they have.

Sending love 🥰 gratitude🌹 and peace ✌️

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The same need to go for FENZ , Police and all the Government departments

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Trump is the best i am so glad he has been voted man of the year by times mag. I believe the apology they get could mean more than the loss of their pay sometimes, that was an outrage that it happened in the first place

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Me to Trump hopefully is the man around with some good old man guts. I was so glad he got voted back in hopefully he will stand by his promises.And does not ge assassinated.Putin said to him he may not make it his life was iendanged.

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Yes, I fully support your suggestion 🏆🙏reinstate, compensate, backpay to all Defense staff mandated out of their jobs.

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I just posted this on Fakebook

I think this woman is an establishment shill and if this isn't testament to that, I don't know what to share. The odds of her propping up actors like Trump or UKs Craig Kelly- Andrew Bridgeon, are 💯 at the moment.

I've noticed all the spoon fed heroes the establishment provides the counter narrative followers are specifically martyred for a few reasons, but specifically to gain the admiration of the target audience. As they idolise the king of the warpspeed jabs, it is incredulous to many that the solution to atrocities like CONditioning 19 will be provided by the same players, yet here we have more martyrdom and capacity to ignore what just happened, and pit these scripted sock puppets on a pedestal. 

Control of both narratives has its advantages for those steering the flock ✅️

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Yes of course ,these guys are legends and hopefully they will one day be completely vindicated .

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Chances of Free NZ doing one episode where idolising the father of the vaccine doesn't happen.... ?

Zero 🎯

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I joined the New Zealand Army in January 1967 and served 21 years.

During our induction it was pressed home to us that it was a crime under Military, New Zealand and International Law to obey illegal orders and the punishment could be up to and including the death penalty depending on the crime. One of those crimes is forcing people to take a medical procedure without informed consent, and even worse an experimental medical procedure without informed consent, which is what the jabs were. Those are still crimes under those three jurisdictions for which the death penalty can be imposed.

This of course is not the first time. Think of the so called Spanish Flu that was the result of a so called innoculation ordered to be given to the Allied Troops under control of the Rockefeller Foundation and a Doctor Gates who developed that fake, deadly and experimental concoction. Only the jabbed got sick and died. Then and now military personnel were betrayed by their commanders in an horrific and disgusting way. The same with all the service men who were deliberately exposed to nuclear radiation like lab rats, and then denied any treatment for the specific cancers and mutations of their children that were caused by the exposure to that radiation, which goes on even now. Gulf War Syndrome which was falsely blamed on depleted uranium ammuntition but was actually caused by experimental vaccinations given to the troops before departure.

The medical, pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries as they currently stand are bogus and criminal organisations, and every individual who has died because of their products has to be considered to be a victim of premeditated murder, because that has been the outcome of the design of those products. These victims number in the hundreds of millions and the perpetrators of these crimes must face penalties appropriate to the number of deaths and injuries, and these industries need to be destroyed and the people will see that they were unnecessary in their current form and only detrimental to our hralth and well being.

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We were targeted, Liz, and with commonsense having disappeared into the ether, our brothers and sisters, rolled up their sleeves and allowed the complicit to get to work.

Great to see you and the team are hard at work, in defence of our heroes and on attack of the defilers of the Nuremburg Code and their own kin.

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C/- the UN

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Yes supporting all who were mandated out of any situation

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