Great to see a political party that is willing to tell the truth.

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What depraved globalists have in mind for the future should both embolden and simultaneously lead one to quail at the prospect. It is ever more obvious that submission to them is a wanton act of personal and societal suicide. I do not submit.

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How will Loyal NZL get registered in time? Because the last electoral commission meeting to get registered was on the 16th of August, so the next one must be at around the same date. and you have to be registered by September the 10th writ day.

Jess Hudson

August 10 at 6:31 PM ·

For those who don’t know the registration process for a party. Really feed up with people saying things and having no clue. Be mindful we only have what 9 weeks until elections.

The EC starts the process once received to check every form against their submitted spread sheet.

That is a minimum 14-day period.

If even one form is missing one of the boxes not ticked, then it all goes back again.

If all correct, they go on to do the physical checking that every one of the forms is a registered voter or is eligible to vote and that their address is correct.

If all 500 min member forms are all correct, then they phone 15 of those forms people to confirm they joined and paid.

All 15 have to say yes.

Each of those steps take 14 days plus 2 days each step to kick through to the next stage.

After all that they open the application for objections to the party name, the party leadership, the party logo.

After 14 days you get notified of any objections and you have another 14 days to defend the objections

Everything then goes to the next sitting if the EC board to decide if ok to register.

The board only meets once a month around the 15th or closest Wednesday, that is legislated in the Act, no exceptions.

The only EC board meeting left for party registration approval is August 16 because writ day is Sunday 10 September

The Act prevents registration if any party between issue of the writ and return of the writ after election and that period expires on 9 November.

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Thank you Liz I know a lot of the US 1914 creation of the Federal reserve , but was not familiar with the added graff of the Crown on NZ . Historically I was very aware of the creation in the Greenbacks of Lincolns administration. I would add this , JFK also attempted to by pass the US Federal reserve controls and have the US Treasury make paper money in completion to the Reserve bank . The differences are easy to see as the Federal Reserve notes have a Green seal and the Treasury notes have a Red seal . Additionally FDR faced a coup that the bankers had against him , who had tried to acquire Brigadier General Smedley Butler to facilitate the coup . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot

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Prescott Bush

In July 2007, a BBC investigation reported that Prescott Bush, father of U.S. President George H. W. Bush and grandfather of then-president George W. Bush, was to have been a "key liaison" between the 1933 Business Plotters and the newly emerged Nazi regime in Germany,[52] although this has been disputed by Jonathan Katz as a misconception caused by a clerical research error.[53] According to Katz, "Prescott Bush was too involved with the actual Nazis to be involved with something that was so home grown as the business plot."

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A great summary Liz. Yes inflation is nothing more than theft from the people by our govt, and fiat monetary systems with their interest rate component by design grow exponentially and will always fail. Hence the massive quantitive monetary printing of recent years to keep it afloat until they can introduce their new CBDC system to ensure the powerful will forever have the control & power over the many, so that the few can continue to live extravagant life's with zero concern for the environment (or climate). Never any talk of 15 minute travel for private jets that burn something like 200 lit of fuel per min says it all.

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Highly recommend the Jekyll Island book Liz mentions. Also, here’s a clever old animation that’s worth revisiting : https://youtu.be/2nBPN-MKefA

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