There seem to have been a number of hacking incidents lately- didn’t people from a foreign country hack into info held by some government department recently ? Why ever would anyone think data on digital transactions would remain private?

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I used to feel safe

I used to feel secure

Thinking the world was well functioning

But not anymore

I learned of the thieves

I learned of the crooks

The genocidal dealings

And cooking the books

I learned of the lies

And the notice and leaves

Of papers so cunning

It's hard to believe

I learned of deception

I learned of warfare

I learned that crisis

Is both needed and dear

Because there is no crisis

Without a reaction

Like a chessboard around us

Playing in action

And we are down here

Party to pawns

Castled and cornered

Stunned and scorned

Where evidence points

To fall guys they plant

Trails of evidence

None of us can't

Follow or figure

Just webs of despair

No evidence solid

No politicians care

It's just pockets lined

And divide and command

You think you are free

But living remand

An archaic life

Long thought dismissed

Indentured in servitude

Most ignorant and blissed

Most escaping awareness

Most run away

Thinking it's too hard

Too darkness dismay

And so it continues

It keeps going ‘round

The pieces are taken

Our queen nowhere found

Our bishops are battered

Our knights are all gay

And so it's just us

The pawns left to play

And play

Oh we play with our trinkets

Our distractions and dope

We play because we don't want to hope

We don't want to dare

We don't want to duck

We just want to be left alone

To squander - Fuck

Fuck everyone

Where is your grit

We are losing this battle

We are paddling in shit

Our economy crashing

Our politicians lie

Our hospitals are actually making us die

The food we eat is poisonous crap

Forever chemicals pour from your tap

Attention divided on a ritalin rope

Hanging like a corpse just waiting to choke

If you want to choke

If you want to die

Your children, your friendship

Your husband, your wife

Go out and do it

Don't get in your way

But I'm not hanging myself

Or going out this way

The game isn't over

The game is still on

And I'll go down swinging

Singing this song

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To many of the hip generation up to the 30's, 40's or so use the app on their phones to pay for things now - when will this lot learn that they are paving the way for world monetary control. Once it's gone, it's gone. Who wants to be herded into a world run by the WHO & WEF. We are definitely living in a world mostly devoid of conscious moral obligation to do what is right thanks to the neglect of biblical principals on which our Western societies were founded.

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