He was jab injured. He had a heart attack. But he doesn't recognise that that's what caused it. Why would he? Head planted firmly in the sand when it comes to the jab - although I suspect he is a little scared that it might all be true - and he has compromised his health - which he has, of course.

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There is an old geezer called Sean,

A jab-addled Pfizer pawn.

He huffs and he bellows,

At reasonable fellows,

Who point to sad facts he should mourn.

Wishing you a speedy recovery Liz.

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For everyone's benefit, I will give you the perspective of a Russian, the late Gregory Klimov, on this matter.


Basically, he points out that all policemen are degenerates. The only difference is - are they GOOD, BAD or UGLY degenerates? He writes:

"[D]egeneracy is a natural process. It has been with us thousands and thousands years. It just was called differently.

"When a newly made local degenerate starts to understand that he is different from other normal people he has a choice: he can be good, bad or ugly.

"Let me give you an example. When a young sadistical homo teenager starts to feel the demons of degeneracy for the first time (desire to dominate, to kill, to assault etc.) he can:

"1. Join a street gang (or organize one) and kill and assault normal people in local normal community.

"2. Join the police academy, become a policeman and kill and assault members of the criminal gang.

"Do you see the deference? ...


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The degrading mocking way he read out the message from Liz made me cry and feel sick. She was describing being hurt so badly by that huge man and all he could was read it as if he was a pantomime dame. His unfeeling and sadistic way came through so much today. I will never watch the Platform ever again and by the message# I am getting from many people they will not either . There is a photo of Liz today coming out of hospital with her arm in plaster Many many people have complained to Andrew Coster hopefully more will. Andrew.coster@government .Nz

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Feb 27, 2023
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Feb 27, 2023
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He's an unknown quantity. Sometimes his interviews are exceptionally good. Other times he is exceptionally rude.

There is no rhyme or reason. With some you thing - Uh oh - here goes a rude, obnoxious interview - yet it's not.

Other times you think he'll do the right thing to get the truth out - but then he's rude & arrogant.

When it comes to covid & the jab - he was thoroughly deceived by a woman he can't stand - (it's funny how many hated her, didn't trust her - yet believed her when it came to letting her control their health).

If he had done his job properly, as an investigative journalist - he would have seen by what was happening around the world, that covid wasn't really doing a lot of harm - but the jab certainly was. There was plenty of data and statistics available.

I think now, he is beginning to realise that maybe he got it wrong - and that scares him. It scares him so much, that he must rant and rave and raise his voice, where the jab is concerned, - otherwise he might just have to admit that he was a fool.

I wonder what he thinks of the latest data and FOI request that Medsafe have recently released, admitting to the harm the jab does cause, the potential harm it may cause, (not enough testing done and it seems that the harm is being done, and the harm that may come in the future. (no long term testing).

That must scare him witless.

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Feb 28, 2023
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He actually does come across as schizophrenic. I've thought that a couple of times myself. There are times when he does a well balance, polite interview - then times he's just downright rude. (and boy - do his listeners let him know).

It might depend on what side of the bed he got out of, or how fearful he is that it was actually the vax, that caused his heart attack.

The weird thing is - his motto was to 'join the revolution', (against Cindy & Labour), but when it comes to the jab - well, the revolution takes a back seat - for now.

He'll be apologising in the coming months. If he can eat humble pie. We'll see.

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Feb 28, 2023Edited
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Sean... The time for honouring yourself will soon be at an end.

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So disappointed at Sean P ..

unfollow now ..

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PLUNKET is a muppet not to smart that clown he keeps the MSM narrative but doesnt get any of the money talk about a dickhead sure he boasts he is independant but anyone can claim that sadly his words follow the MSM seriously SEAN why dont you take the money your still pushing the same agenda u dopy idiot

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I just listened to the Twitter video.

Josh Slocum, of "Disaffected" has also been accused of "spiralling out of control" and "going crazy" as well:


I am reminded of something St. Anthony the Great (founder of Christian monasticism) once said:

"A time will come when men will go mad. When they see one who is not mad, they will say, 'You are mad! You are not like us!' "

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Don't worry about Sean Plunkett anymore - there's a new kid on the block.


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