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Nick and Sonny I think you are being unfair. Andrew and Bridgen and Steve Kirsch have both paid a high price for pointing out the obvious medical harms of the so called "vaccines'. I wish I was as clever and brave as them to help expose these terrible crimes against a lot of our population. I do not want to move on and not talk about it and there are thousands of us who feel the same.

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Powerfully articulated Margaret. You speak the Truth. Thank you.

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Entitled to your opinion. Id just say the price you pay when you are still worth hundreds of millions of dollars is relative. Kirsch has been simply intellectually dishonest when discussing virus existence and it is at the heart of the vaccine discussion. No virus equals no vaccine. It's worth bearing in mind that it's been known for a long time that opposition is inevitable and so the best way to manage it is to control it yourself. Chomsky and others have spoken about this. Control the Overton window.

Like I say, if you think your trust is best invested in a tech millionaire that aligns in many ways with Gates then that's your choice.

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Virus pushing, pharma pushing. digital currency pushing silicon valley hundred millionaire. You should be ashamed you are even giving him a platform.

By the way, where is the money from the party donations again??

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And Andrew Bridgeon is a carbon cut out of the Craig Kelly puppet in Australia. Just spoon fed 'heroes' for the counter narrative camp - straight from the establishment. Judas goats, putting on a show, reading their scripts, just like the rest of the perception management operatives

If the opposition needs a hero, we will provide one and lead them both.

People just dont get the theatre of everything we are seeing, and the dialectical false dichotomy of left and right. They get a platform? Sone pretend censorship?

They are approved opposition ✅

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Sonny, I can personally testify that what your write here is not the Truth about Andrew.

Andrew has paid an enormous price for his deep integrity and courage- including just losing the job he has carried out with such sincerity for the people of his electorate for 14 years. He has gone through hell being ostracised, and with people around him who were serving the globalist puppet masters and betraying him. And many other things I could share. He is one of the finest men I know.

Could you contact me please Sonny, on liz,gunn@freenz.org, and let me know your phone number so I can ask you on a call, what evidence you have for your claims, so casually written behind a cowardly computer keyboard, above?

I would also like to know what you think has been your chief contribution to stopping the globalist onslaught on NZ and Australia ? Is it in writing posts, decrying the incredible depths of courage of someone with whom you have not once spoken, and who lives on the other side of the world from you? Is that the contribution of which you are most proud?

Or have you, like Andrew, gone outside into the rugged terrain of standing up against the establishment, for 14 years, and still retained your soul , your decency, your humour, and your determination to tell the hidden Truths, no matter the disparagement? Please contact me so we can chat.

NIck ( above) I would say the same to you about Steve Kirsch. Huge courage and tenacity- even with this now badly damaged eye, and he keeps going to expose the vaccine lies.

Could you please post here on this thread, the list of things you yourself have done to expose the lies ?

And please reveal your income so we can judge whether you have a sufficient lack of funds to qualify as authentic, since you seem to somehow equate the financial success Steve has achieved off his own talent, with an unwritten 'exclusion' for him, from having the right to be brave and to speak out . At what point is that financial cut- off Nick?

I am sad you have fallen for the lies here in NZ from a small irrelevant group who have taken funds for a party they know no longer exists. Perhaps ask them about fraud.?

Our Real Loyal financial records were cleared by an auditor and by the Electoral Commission - as they will be in the next financial year also. Everything is accounted for and able to be checked. Liars and rogues depend on manufactured drama and false claims. I hope you will use greater critical thinking skills than you show above Nick .

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Here is Miri AFs recent presentation

Extremely relevant to my reasoning

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The formulaic approach in lockstep in every western country suits the perception management complex, as they dont have to rewrite the scripts. I'm from Melbourne Australia, and I've seen enough in the last four years to say I've seen behind the curtain - the veil of bulkshit that the orchestrators / manufacturers of spoon fed realities, the illusion of representative politicians, the whites in media work so hard to maintain. The scripted sock puppets propping up the false dichotomy of left and right, the dialectical Thesis, Antithesis and the Synthesis, the illusion of democracy and representational politicians, the theatre of the controllers of the collective mind ( govern / ment )

I can share my Fakebook profile that's been censored 16 months out of the next 24 from September 2020, not because I was in the counter narrative, but because I wasn't the 'right' counter narrative.

If the opposition needs a hero, the establishment will provide.

When the hair on the back of my neck stood on end in February 2020, that was pure instinct - something most have subjugated as they handed over their capacities to other entities.

This is a short post I wrote about the first time I was censored on Fakebook -

Yes indeed. A story from Melbourne Australia- the most locked down city in the world outside of China, where I got to see an eye opening peak behind the curtain.

The micromanaged 'select' narrative has been revealed on this platform extremely well.

An early example in the planned panic for me, was when a paid agitator/ agent provocateur was recorded by a friend as he was live streaming - the masked operative was whipping a policy enforcers horse with a flag in September 2020 during a rally supoosedly organized by those less susceptible to the trauma based manipulation. As he whipped them he was yelling ' You racist- you're a racist horse!'

The perception management  got the footage required for the spoon feeders of the select narrative, and as his performance wrapped up, his two short back and sides minders escorted him away, but not before my fb friend got footage of their faces while one pawed at his camera suggesting their desire for anonymity.

I'd never seen anything like it in my cosmos, and I promptly shared the footage, suggesting that the agent had done what he was paid to do, and to check out the military looking minders.

I was kicked off Fakeb within 3 minutes and  was censored from commenting / reacting to anything for 22 days strangely,  as it went to consistent 30 day stretches of censorship after that. I was prompted to change my password and all sorts of odd requests. I should have gotten screen shots in hindsight. About 16 months out of the next 24 I would guess from September 2020, and siloed / corralled and shadow banned for the rest.

This platform is a military operation first and foremost, but to the military Industrial perception management complex, this is just one weapon in the arsenal

The whores from the media script readers got their footage that the readied cameras were aiming for that day, and the socially engineered  view of the 'crazy domestic terrorists' who whip horses and just want to kill granny were 'othered' as the weaponised narrative enforcement designed - for the susceptible anyway.


I dont have to justify my views to you, or the social engineers learning from everything we do, but I will be sending you my phone number.

Many question the sudden turnaround of those mostly towing the line for the establishment initially, but as we have seen too often, rat poison is a few parts poison, with lots of appealing sweeteners. The critical lies are what the approved / controlled opposition have shown us is their purpose.

MIRI ANN.FINCH has written an open letter to Bridgeon about his activitues if you want a different view from another apparently free speach advocate ?

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These guys are the establishments spoon fed heroes, and nothing more. Judas goats for the counter narrative.

AUDIO: The pearl-clutching plight of the persecuted people's hero


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