Awesome Lizz.

I really admire your absolute dedication to finding the truth and now working towards making our country better than ever.

I lost my belief in this country under jabcinda, I couldn’t believe New Zealand could get as bad as it has. Now we have to pull ourselves out of this mess, a bloody shit show to put it lightly.

I hope your one of the people who can make it happen.

Nga mihi.

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Please provide:

An independent economic assessment of the viability of this idea to show that public services, education, health, infrastructure, environmental enhancement, replacement of fossil fuel transportation with other clean methods including cycling etc can be enhanced.

How it is to be policed, ie will "cash" be phased out? Difficult to enforce when there is not total control over records of transactions it seems to me.

Will bartering become illegal?

After all of this, will 1% really be it, or more likely 10% or higher?

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