He is absolutely right Liz, the angels are coming. Let's see what the corrupt Ministry of Justice and the corrupt NZ Police force used in Court against Barry!! They have NOT got a leg to stand on and will only make Barry Young more famous here and around the world. God bless you Liz.

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As a New Zealander I was disheartened to read that very few reports to CARM were investigated. I had a work colleague named Steven Koers who had a massive stroke 3-days after his booster on the 28th January 2022, aged 54. He was completely paralyzed from the blood clots that had formed in his neck. The clot went to his brain during surgery and he was declared dead 5-days later. I belatedly entered this event into CARM in late 2022. A few days later I got a call from Michael Taidley? and he left a message asking for more details and saying this was a very unusual event. I responded by email, but never heard from him again. I tried to get back into CARM in 2024 and found it was firewalled. I asked the NZ MOH for updates, but they claimed that this would violate the Privacy Act. Frustrating!

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Terry the horror stories will haunt us for years. Thank you for looking out for him. We need more of you .

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No chemical compatibility done, what are you taking? Knew that was dangerous from the get go which was my first red flag 🚩 total negligence!! And a lot that were stabbing people weren’t even properly trained , remember those 16 year olds in Auckland stabbing people believing they were so proud and published in all MSM being totally amazing humans , saving granny, totally hope they realise the harm they have caused, if not someone needs to educate them. NOW

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Been waiting for this thank you, I knew there is a lot hidden and still is too much to unseen.Live in one of the main hotspots , and see the carnage, I personally think there is so much basic brain damage, let alone the stab damage which will be life long,those people will never accept they got fooled.

I don’t know if we will get to the bottom of what pharmacies got paid, looked at my region pharmacies and Drs doc that came out, looked very understated.

Totally Criminal. And they knew !!

Personally I don’t think I can forgive, it’s tooooo BIG

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I have a friend who was taken to hospital in an ambulance in August 2022. The paramedic asked her if she was vaccinated. She wasn't. The paramedic responded, "that's good because we were flat out picking up people after their jabs. We only got it to keep our job". They drove my friend to hospital, calling on two other homes along the way. When they got to Christchurch hospital there was mo room in the emergency bay, so they had to wheel her in on a stretcher from a distance. They said this is normal these days.

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I estimate that for every death there are 100 injured who didn't die, but may have been hospitalised. I interviewed an injured 50-year old male who was paralyzed 8-weeks after his second Pfizer. Luke the person previously mentioned, he collapsed and was rushed to hospital. He also had a clot in his neck, another in his heart. Stents were inserted and he survived the procedure. Unbelievably, he got a booster about 6-weeks later and paralysis returned. He could barely walk when I met him and he had no strength in his right arm. This was 6-months after his booster when I met him. He told me he thought it was related to his vaccine. He described blurred vision after his first jab. But, he had to agree with his doctors opinion that the stroke was due to marital stress, otherwise he would lose compensation payments. He never allowed me to enter his event into CARM and stayed low profile rather than be public.

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The price for the government to pay for injuries is too high. We are already broke. No amount of brown nosing by Luxum is going to fix it.

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I’m on abit of a mission nerve damage, my very stupid sister, she couldn’t stab but went with the pharmacist

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When my second appointment with my Dr, before I totally woke up.

I was looking after my father, ( who spent many weeks in bed) scans and 5 weeks on codine I think from probably first and second, my appendix went mental,never ever had an issue , and the nerve damage which started in my forearm for absolutely no reason, then went to my hand, all in 2 hours, when I turned up at my Dr, There question did I just get stabbed, BIG red flags, very unusual question, thought that didn’t add up, they will deny it now, I’ve read so many basically exact explanations, I’m pleased I didn’t take it, evidence is we got shat on its out there, I personally think if I took it I’d be long dead, human nature some people react differently, I’m just not amused 😒 I had things that turned my life upside down

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If you go to HNZ they will provide nothing of use to help analyze the rate of death and injury from the jab. Yet HNZ put out glowing reports of how the jab saved lives based on "models". The best we have is the FOIA Data dump from Chris Johnson from February 2024, which USmortality did a good job of analyzing. Perhaps the Barry Young data is useful, but I need to see a peer-reviewed analysis. By peer-review, I mean reviewed for a test of assumptions and secondary data sources, like accurate population levels by age. The big unknown is the level of comorbidity on the Death certs. Many unhealthy people were not jabbed and died early in the pandemic.

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It's Demonic. A mass Human sacrifice. Those 'in the know', can only be considered Demonic.

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It’s worth pointing out here, that NZTA recently changed their definition of ‘fatality’ on the road, to exclude those suffering a ‘medical event’ or suicide or murder. So the young man who died in a road crash as a single occupancy ‘event’ in a vehicle wouldn’t now be included in the ‘road toll’. This strategy of changing definitions of outcomes is the way the stats are manipulate to portray a ‘success’ in one way, and conceal a reality in another. Sick and evil.

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Excellent reporting. Cause of death: poisoning. Symptoms reported matched mine (mine not from vaccine, because of course I never took it. Germ theory being a pre-known fraud).

They were intending for deaths, no doubt.

This doesn't include all miscarriages either. I know of one young healthy fit woman who miscarried after injection - not reported.

Look at my stuff for dealing with poisoning, which is remarkably successful so far. Walking again and all symptoms improving. May work for the injured. https://craighutchinson.substack.com/p/poisoned-pen

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I have looked at rhe curated data from Barry Young. It had been formatted into a spreadsheet by Scoops McGoo. I found a serious flaw in the analysis and then a substack blogger named Henjin pointed out another series flaw. As far as I know, noone has addressed these errors, so I disregard McGoos analysis. I believe Kirsch used a time-series analysis and his code is on Github. I'm not proficient in his programming language he used, Python, so cannot comment.

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Python. Thanks. If I ever get well enough I'll have a look. Do you have a link to his Github page?

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How were you poisoned ?

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I may find it on Steve's Github repository and will post.

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Liz, Hipkins is saying it was our choice

to have the injections.We choose to have it! Hardly..we were forced Liz ..

Thank you Albert, God bless you Albert.

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Kia Ora Liz thank you for bringing us the truth. Our young teens are committing suicide because of the bullying and the climate of the social environment. Also young people are dying but no one wants to say that the covid has been the culprit. Even sudden deaths after playing rugby x 2 young men from the same hapu after playing a game.Unreal..

My cousin died she was with her husband.She put her head on her hubby shoulder and went to sleep and never woke up. They were seated in their vehicle . NO one wants to talk about those injections (Te Arawa-Rotorua ). They denied that covid injections have anything to do with deaths. People are dying every week.

We were forced into having those vaccines.If we didn't have those covid injections staff would have lost their jobs. It was mandatory.

I had a fall during work it was terrible Liz.I accidentally tripped but I was not connected to my body.There was no reflexes from my hands to stop myself from falling.My brain was not functioning. I ended up with bruised legs had to leave work.

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Oh Jennie- this makes my heart just ache, reading your post here. The absolute inhumanity of the last -and of this current - government.

They don't care about us, The People.

And now it's up to us to try to piece together the Truth.

Jennie, I hope you are ok after the fall .

Those other stories that you write- also so sad.

Please can you contact me on liz.gunn@freenz.org? I need your contact number if possible so I can call you. And I would like to meet you

x Kia Kaha.

Remember :

The Truth shall set us all free in God's sight.

He asks one thing and one thing only- to have Courage - which always and only ever stems, true Courage, from Faith in His Guiding Hand, through this dark dark valley.

It will be ok Jennie . Keep the Faith

I send you my love and my respect for your reaching out. I am holding you in my heart

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