The terrible, evil tyranny continues ...

Horrific ...

They are censoring us ... they are censoring the whole World ...


The people destroying us ... and they are, very much, out to destroy us ... are using the idiots that run our country to do it ... they have induced 'peak stupid' ... pretty much throughout the World ... with the power they wield ... the control they wield over MSM ... the financial system ... big pharma ... to name just a few

Stay strong Liz ... thank you for your extraordinary resilience ...

I urge Kiwis to support Liz ... read my Substack posts ... and 'wake up' ... very, very fast ... if you want any sort of future ...


The evidence is very clear ... very unequivocal ... they are pushing very hard for international conflict ... and things are escalating fast ... I anticipated June/July ... but once the 'balloon goes up' things are going to deteriorate very, very fast ... and our voices will not be heard ...

The time to 'scream' ... to wake the masses up ... is now!


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This is " big brother" at work. Truly alarming. Why are they so scared of exposing the truth? Perhaps they have something to hide!

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Oh yeah!!! Definitely.

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Write to Christopher Luxon: C.Luxon@ministers.govt.nz

*For those that are wanting to donate or support in some way, thank you. It will likely go towards legal costs for Liz's upcoming trial against the NZ police from her assault in Feb 2023. We have the following donation options. We don't have a bank option currently:

- Substack - freenz.substack.com

- Donorbox - donorbox.org/support-freenz-media

- Locals - freenz.locals.com

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You are not alone Liz, how do I contribute so that you and Barry get the funds.

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Write to Christopher Luxon: C.Luxon@ministers.govt.nz

*For those that are wanting to donate or support in some way, thank you. It will likely go towards legal costs for Liz's upcoming trial against the NZ police from her assault in Feb 2023. We have the following donation options. We don't have a bank option currently:

- Substack - freenz.substack.com

- Donorbox - donorbox.org/support-freenz-media

- Locals - freenz.locals.com

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I felt physically sick when I read that. Who /what forced that action? Is there no low they won't sink to? Shocking! And they walk among us :-(

My heart goes out to Liz Gunn and Barry xo

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Liz Gunn

It is not worth the consequences, hopefully someone has saved the data overseas. I watched Billy and Vinny go and protest. Yes, I supported their reasons for protesting, but the consequences were not worth it. They could have protested after the full lockdown, of course it depends on the situation look at Victoria. Concentrate on the case in May and keep sharing the information that is not tied up in legal nonsense. Hopefully we get accountability soon. We need a set of facts, that gets sent to all MP's and advisors, have thousands of people sending the same set of facts.

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Steve Hirsch is a good Ally... has analyzed whistle-blower data .NZ have no jurisdiction on this US critic of big pharma

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I am not sure what NZ's rules are on locus standi but in respect of employment relations act, Te Whatu Mate (hehe) have suffered no injury in fact. B.Y. may have breached a contract in copying and distributing information, BUT, it would appear that his actions are Lawful under S150A(1)(b) in respect of S160 , and also S156 or 157 of the crimes act 1961. Further, B.Y.'s actions may fall within the penumbra of S48 of the crimes act; while it is subtitled "defence against assault", S48 says you can use 'force' in defence of another.

The amalgamated implicature of these sections results in a clear message; there is a legal duty NOT to make an omission which may result in death or injury of another, and in acting to prevent death or injury of another, one may use force. Such as the 'devastating', immense and overwhelming force of copying a subset of data onto a USB stick. if one is allowed to use force, I'm guessing there's an a priori permission to act sub-forcefully to achieve the same end : i.e. defence of another, or in seeking to preserve life.

SS 48, 150,156,157, 204> to prevent offences under SS 200, 201, 160,167

I also assert that S157 obligates any subsequent party made aware. To wit, Liz Gunn is under a legal duty to act to prevent harm, upon the prima facie evidence of mass harm being caused by poison/experimental substance/disease presented to her by Barry Young.

Without all the details and a timeline, I can only speculate about the so-called compliance orders. The employment relations act is a quagmire of cross referencing that could only have come out of a sad and fragmented mind. Or a committee of same. What is clear is that in order to include another party [i.e. other than the kinds specified in one section] in any order under the ERA, that party has to be given opportunity to be heard or represented.

So if the compliance orders were issued without that, and then {defectively} served 'by email' [lol] then they would not meet the requirements of the enabling legislation.

Let's assume for a moment that Liz Gunn was offered an opportunity to appear or be represented at the ERA before the compliance orders were issued, and she turned them down. Are the orders still valid? I should say no. As Barry Young and subsequently Liz Gunn, and subsequently other parties, are legally obligated to act/to not omit to act in the preservation of life, UNDER sections 150,156,157 and possibly 48 of the crimes act, the ERA has no jurisdiction or standing in respect of their actions.

S408 of the crimes act: "This act shall bind the crown. " Health NZ is a crown agent. It too is obligated to preserve life, and in seeking to impede Barry Young and subsequent parties' lawful actions, is it criminally negligent, and liable?

So, Liz Gunn, I would write Jania Baigent and tell her where to shove it, as , in respect of you being obligated to act under the provisions of the Crimes Act 1961, Te Whatu Ora have no standing, and the Employment Relations Authority have no jurisdiction.

Oh and you may wish to rub Section 204 of the crimes act in Jania's face.

204Impeding rescue


Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who, without lawful justification or excuse, prevents or impedes or attempts to prevent or impede any person who is attempting to save his or her own life or the life of any other person.


No one is guilty of an offence against this section who does any such act as aforesaid in the course of saving his or her own life or the life of any other person.

Compare: 1908 No 32 s 201; Criminal Code (1954) s 227 (Canada)

Ask Jania what her and her client's lawful excuse is.

There's a free and very splendid deck of cards to the first person to convince me that my smokey, uneducated ramblings are wrong by midday Monday 22 April.

<puff, puff, puff>

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Do not back down!

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Are we able to download the content so we can share it around?

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Crimes against humanity! Stop the jab rollout! Look at the massive amount of ACC claims payouts compared to the years before the c-19 jab! https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=826676386160488&set=a.303982048429927

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I just had an idea.

The lawyer, Jania Baigent, who wrote that threatening letter?


The Woke Left has been doing that to us for years. Let's see how THEY feel when THEY get Doxxed!

Calling all Private Investigators! Get phone, and residential address details on this creature of God! Stage rallies in front of her house! Give these people a swig of their own medicine!

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Counterspin Media has responded to this with guns blazing:


They have promised to upload Barry's data far and wide, and have defied the NZ Government to stop them.

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Why not host content in another country where these losers haven't got a legal say?

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“Karma” works in different ways, their times coming…a little bug in stinky poo!!

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