You have nailed it 100% on the mark ! After speaking to my good friend in the US who knows Félix Rodríguez and requesting Felix to reveal information on the JFK assassination , Felix has just given an interview with Tucker Carlson . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwohQJrJeo8&t=2499s . He mentions the second shooter in Dealy Plaza , where I've been twice on the 6th floor . The Warren commission is total bunk ! And the Frank Church congressional hearing beginning in 1975 concluded there were at LEAST 2 shooters . The Gulf of Tonkin incident never occurred which escalated the events in South Vietnam . How do you hold liars accountable is the riddle . The Media will not give us any respite with its propaganda so that the simpletons who watch news broadcast will take an honest look for the truth . There is NOT a single government agency that can be believed , and we are PAYING TAXES for this ! If anyone reading this will read the Declaration of Independence , "We'll , You'll Know What To Do" , George Patton . https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript . There is no mistaking that the studies I've had over the last 50 years, yields only one conclusion . The world is about to revolt against both national and international governments . All of this was well told in the movie trilogy , The Hunger Games , we are clearly in the " Catching Fire" phase .

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You are not the first to make such observations. During the French Revolution, Edmund Burke wrote a long letter to a French politician. In that letter, he noted the following:

"[Y]ou know that cheats and deceivers never can repent. The fraudulent have no resource but in fraud. They have no other goods in their magazine. They have no virtue or wisdom in their minds, to which, in a disappointment concerning the profitable effects of fraud and cunning, they can retreat. The wearing out of an old serves only to put them upon the invention of a new delusion. Unluckily too, the credulity of dupes is as inexhaustible as the invention of knaves."

Human nature doesn't change much, does it?

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To continue believing is to stay in parent child relationship. Blaming denial redirect are symptoms. We are raised to bow to the alter of all these “authoritarian institutions” from birth. Us the truth seekers are really rebels from childhood saying fuck off by action! Carry on and call these fuks out for what they are, fuking liars…

Trying to be nice, hehe.

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