I live in NJ, US. Before my gym shut down in 2020 I did the running tour of Auckland (on the treadmill video screen) countless times. The waterfront is so gorgeous I lost interest in the other videos. I could probably find my way around, but will not likely visit as I refuse the COVID vaccines. I am COVID recovered ... immune for life ... but that did not get me an exemption at work. There is dense propaganda here as well. Huge numbers of Americans have perished from these shots (a Twitter correspondent from SA does not believe me. You can hide some of the bodies all of the time but you can’t hide all of the bodies all of the time.) The casualities from remdesivir hospital protocol are even higher. A colleague at work (high tech company) who stayed on after I “retired” died abruptly after shot#2. It happens. It’s called “SAD.”

Pfizer has admitted fraud in court and Moderna is faced with a formidable whistle blower. We are expecting a change of majority in the Congress this November. This will precipitate investigations of the Dept. of Justice itself and the gamut of Constitutional violations we’ve borne for two years. Heads will roll … speaking figuratively. Fortunately for the corrupt bureaucrats who must be held accountable, I will not have my way with them.

What interests me is the transparent effort to make us look just like Canada governance-wise. Not trucker-wise. This applies to censorship, violation of free speech and coerced vaccinations. And the pervasive stench of “woke” in our institutions. Our pesky Constitution and loyalty of at least 100M citizens to it has slowed that effort and will turn it around in a few months.

I read Matthew Ehret’s “The Clash of Two Americas.” I did so after listening to Ehret’s and Alex Thomson’s presentations to Reiner Fuellmich’s team. This was my introduction to City of London: the mysterious square mile in the heart of London where the Bloodlines reside.

The British System is as follows: Empire(financial hegemony)—Oligarchy (elites who manage exploitation that enrich the Empire)—Slavery (ordinary citizens whose freedoms are given or withdrawn as is expedient).

The Southern Confederacy in the US prior to 1865 was a precise manifestation of the British System. The aim of the Civil War, evidenced by direct support to the South, was military victory followed by a new nation dominated by Britain … the North to be absorbed therein. Thus the Colonies would be brought back into the fold.

The City of London wants us back? I’ve heard that one, but thought it was a joke. So many preposterous things turn out to be true.

The loss of civil liberties in the US, using the fake “pandemic” as pretext, emulating policies in Canada, UK, Australia and NZ, seems like another try by the City of London.

This will fail. A wave of health freedom will overtake the US following Congressional and gubenatorial results in November and continuing beyond 2024. The end of medical tyranny in the US and a rebirth of integrity in government and the press just might set an example for WEF graduates around the world. It’s a pedestal we’ll have to build and crawl up on before doing too much pontification. But that’s the goal.

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Fascinating comment Edward, thank you for that insight. I had not heard of Matthew Ehret's book but will look into it for sure. It is insane how it is happening the world over, especially in our so-called "western democracies". Agree with your last paragraph, I too know that it will fail, but as more people wake up, who knows how far they are willing to push our societies into chaos before then.

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Thanks for your kind encouragement. There is so much we don’t learn in school here ... and it’s getting worse. I would like to mention also the American System: border security, internal improvements to create wealth, self sufficiency in manufacturing, tariffs that protect local industry (as needed). I had these in mind as I listened to Trump’s speech at CPAC last night: as he spoke I checked them off one-by-one. Americans who don’t know this by erudition know it instinctively. This precisely why he won in 2016 and why either he or a ticket as formidable as DeSantis and Noem will win in 2024. I’m OK either way. I had always thought the two parties in the US were barely distinguishable for decades. But no longer. As Ehret put in perspective for me, the election of Trump was a wrench in the gears of the globalist agenda ... and see how desperate they have been to solidify control over the mass formation, resorting to a rigged election and mass Democide by shots and hospital protocols behind the “pandemic” facade. The huge hospital death toll in the US has been the #1 propaganda tool here and world wide. But it was a fraud. Real fatalities, yes. But for a highly treatable illness. Instead of early treatments that keep folks out of the hospital altogether we have shots that kill citizens who would never have been hospitalized anyway! The reality is rather simple. But it has turned into a vast cauldron of chicken soup. I like that metaphor because there is scum that has to be skimmed from the surface as the soup boils. My hope and belief is that the new Congress will do that skimming job at last! I won’t give up on doing the Aukland waterfront run for real one day!

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I have read this most eloquent opinion piece several times and each read has lifted my wairua(spirit) . I thank the author for infusing some hope back into my being. It was a pleasure to read, to ponder on because it helped me remember something I had let slip away through the cracks of my hardened heart. I remember to treat my psyche with love and respect, to guard my mind with discernment, to feed and nurture my Self with deep, rich and meaningful conversations.


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Beautiful comment Marshall thanks so much! Really glad to hear that it gave you a lift, that's what we like to hear!

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