This is The FreeNZ Editorial. It’s for articles, opinion pieces, stories, studies, historical records, interviews, allegories and more. We invite Kiwis to send us their pieces of writing, and if the writing and the logic make the grade, we publish them - whether we agree with them personally or not - as opinion pieces.
I decided to look up the meaning of ‘opinion piece’.
It’s a thought that streams unfiltered, uncensored and unsullied.
As a thinker and writer, this definition offers me great joy. Why is that?
In today’s divisive New Zealand, we all find ourselves in an unnerving time, where our very psyches are under a relentless onslaught from political and media spin.
Furthermore, many of us have awakened to the uncomfortable truth that current-day politics is built on centuries of unsuspected indoctrination, deception and lies.
I'll give them this much: they certainly had time on their side.
To be alive to witness such a morally-bankrupt construct that we still comically call ‘a democratic society’, feels deeply sad. The uncomfortable truth of that statement blows my mind.
Yet still, I can find a life-affirming kicker, and it’s this: I vow that I will never let it break me.
Through these fully-opened eyes, I can now witness the heavy, dark veil of societal deception. It’s broad and vast - but it’s one that my heart and mind can choose to obliterate. It's not easy, to be awake to the ugly truths, but the awareness of societal distortions and lies is one of the last bastions of one’s sovereignty. It must be protected at all costs. Freedom of thought is a state of mind.
My survival instinct is triggered to guard and protect the sanctity and sanity of my psyche every second. My mind is a no-go zone. I don't invite you in unless I either trust you implicitly, or I need to filter and purge. This 24-hour ‘door-mind-er’ can observe my eyes and ears as they process incoming information at a phenomenal rate. I have now become the keeper of the information I value, while also being the full-time bouncer of my own ransacked mind.
Who would have thought that in just 6 months, I would be standing at the crossroads of an uncertain future, leading to who-knows-where?
Now, today, I have learnt to steel myself, so I can resolutely walk forward into the unknown with courage, and as my tupuna would say:
kia kaha, be strong;
kia māia, be brave;
kia manawanui, walk with an open heart.
Given this current gravity, I'm happy to report my newest and most personal Inner Treaty, consented and agreed to by my Higher Power, which resides snuggly within the infinite mantle of the protection and authority of God and Natural Lore, Kaitiaki (guardian) and Tikanga (correct procedure, custom - the customary system of values and practices that have developed over time and are deeply embedded in the social context).
I woke today feeling strangely hopeful. Keeping the faith has become an arduous task, though one of absolute necessity in order to retain my sanity.
This morning, after another restless night, I quietly paid homage to the deluge of social media platforms with their myriad opinion pieces, podcasts, interviewers and influencers. Without this rich and diverse buffet of inquisitive, questioning human communication, I might feel up the creek without a proverbial paddle. I would be clueless about the dichotomy of illusion and reality.
I can feast on the conflicting views, the debunking of theories, and then, oh my god! Is this the truth or just another overheated-missile-seeking lie?
Lies permeate to the point where I can feel propagandised up to my eyeballs, eventually landing on the “who’s playing who?” question. It’s easy to descend into a deep dark chasm where I'm witnessing what might be not only the evolution of the human race but also the most sinister mind-cluster-fuck in history.
If it is the case that 'the paradigm we were born into is dying, then it seems natural that social chaos would ensue.
From chaos, rebirth becomes the inevitable path to transformation.
Will our generations, alive at this crucial time, witness and help in the birth of a healthy new society? Or will we allow all the current media and political distortions to twist and manipulate us into manifesting a sick and deformed dystopian society in which the few - with all the money, power and resources - manipulate and mislead the many?
It’s not every day we get to create a new world.
Or is it?
I hope and pray that the future we leave behind us when we die, will be one we can be proud of. Will future generations bless us or curse us?
To reassure myself, I gently remind myself to keep whānau (family) and friends close. Most of all, I'm attuned to stay true to that which has been embedded in my heart, bequeathed to me by my parents, and by my tūpuna (ancestors):
aroha atu, aroha mai - love out, love in.
I will surrender only to a world of Love’s creation: a world of freedom, peace and unity for us all. The journey towards that enigmatic place continues now- one thought, one step, one day at a time.
I finish with the inimitable words of 70’s Irish comedian Dave Allen, who would always end his programme with this gently powerful phrase: “Good night, and may your god go with you”. I can only wish that for us all.
Arohanui (Much love)
FreeNZ Contributor
I live in NJ, US. Before my gym shut down in 2020 I did the running tour of Auckland (on the treadmill video screen) countless times. The waterfront is so gorgeous I lost interest in the other videos. I could probably find my way around, but will not likely visit as I refuse the COVID vaccines. I am COVID recovered ... immune for life ... but that did not get me an exemption at work. There is dense propaganda here as well. Huge numbers of Americans have perished from these shots (a Twitter correspondent from SA does not believe me. You can hide some of the bodies all of the time but you can’t hide all of the bodies all of the time.) The casualities from remdesivir hospital protocol are even higher. A colleague at work (high tech company) who stayed on after I “retired” died abruptly after shot#2. It happens. It’s called “SAD.”
Pfizer has admitted fraud in court and Moderna is faced with a formidable whistle blower. We are expecting a change of majority in the Congress this November. This will precipitate investigations of the Dept. of Justice itself and the gamut of Constitutional violations we’ve borne for two years. Heads will roll … speaking figuratively. Fortunately for the corrupt bureaucrats who must be held accountable, I will not have my way with them.
What interests me is the transparent effort to make us look just like Canada governance-wise. Not trucker-wise. This applies to censorship, violation of free speech and coerced vaccinations. And the pervasive stench of “woke” in our institutions. Our pesky Constitution and loyalty of at least 100M citizens to it has slowed that effort and will turn it around in a few months.
I read Matthew Ehret’s “The Clash of Two Americas.” I did so after listening to Ehret’s and Alex Thomson’s presentations to Reiner Fuellmich’s team. This was my introduction to City of London: the mysterious square mile in the heart of London where the Bloodlines reside.
The British System is as follows: Empire(financial hegemony)—Oligarchy (elites who manage exploitation that enrich the Empire)—Slavery (ordinary citizens whose freedoms are given or withdrawn as is expedient).
The Southern Confederacy in the US prior to 1865 was a precise manifestation of the British System. The aim of the Civil War, evidenced by direct support to the South, was military victory followed by a new nation dominated by Britain … the North to be absorbed therein. Thus the Colonies would be brought back into the fold.
The City of London wants us back? I’ve heard that one, but thought it was a joke. So many preposterous things turn out to be true.
The loss of civil liberties in the US, using the fake “pandemic” as pretext, emulating policies in Canada, UK, Australia and NZ, seems like another try by the City of London.
This will fail. A wave of health freedom will overtake the US following Congressional and gubenatorial results in November and continuing beyond 2024. The end of medical tyranny in the US and a rebirth of integrity in government and the press just might set an example for WEF graduates around the world. It’s a pedestal we’ll have to build and crawl up on before doing too much pontification. But that’s the goal.
I have read this most eloquent opinion piece several times and each read has lifted my wairua(spirit) . I thank the author for infusing some hope back into my being. It was a pleasure to read, to ponder on because it helped me remember something I had let slip away through the cracks of my hardened heart. I remember to treat my psyche with love and respect, to guard my mind with discernment, to feed and nurture my Self with deep, rich and meaningful conversations.