Well said. It's strange indeed how a certain NZ expert vaccinologist seems to have quietly melted away from the public discourse on MSM. I'me sure that many of us find it disturbing to see a certain director general, who's signature appears on every single declined vaccine exemption application, has been rewarded with a knighthood. I hope that the major part that he played in the deadly vaccine scam will eventually see him dismissed to his proper place, a lifetime behind bars, along with all the other co conspirators.

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That was an exceptional piece. I hope it is widely shared.

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AGREE 100%. We are finding ourselves in a big black hole of hearts and minds. Trusting in a better 2023 upcoming for brave citizen scientists everywhere. Thank you for sharing for certain.

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Beautifully written piece by the anonymous author.

Wave after wave the zombies attack and each wave is a little bit stronger, faster, fuller than the last.

And in the brief intermission between the spluttering advance of the previous wave, is opportunity for the heroes of pharma to prance.

First out the gate is Pfizzer with his large appetite for the cries of children. He leads the charge with two jabs and an uppercut rebounding confusion.

Second is Murderna the marshal of the aged care facility. His inexperience hidden by greed. A swindler at heart he tears retirement apart and enjoys watching shattered families plead.

Third to the bout is Gilead the ghastly whose organ damaging prowess knows no bounds. When he sulks around the surgeons station you had better run quickly and hide. For death follows Gilead around with brutal back aches, although the pains low down and beside.

Our champions need no diet or require any special efforts. Need no training, movement or sweat. No emotional restraint or any self constraint. Our heroes only need one thing to win.

And that is blind faith in our authorities and a strong will to die suddenly from something, or anything else.

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Excellent editorial as usual. It's quite remarkable how so many of the government and MSM-promoted "cheerleaders" (a carefully selected minority of health experts) have now retreated to the woodwork they emerged from. At least one has now become a TV personality. Others have now thoroughly discredited themselves by their bold and careless words.

One exception from outside NZ is Dr. John Campbell, the YouTuber who went from being a jab promoter to a gradual awakening that we've all been conned.

The contrast between having the courage to admit "I was wrong" and the cowardly silence of most of the perpetrators is quite notable.

I foresee a lot of these former vaccine superstars taking the "we were just following orders" route in the years ahead.

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Truth and facts 🤔….here’s hoping they start dribbling into msm

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Brilliantly written.

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Thank you for your research, I was unaware of many of the points you raised.

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