Awesome job, Truth Terriers United! We will never know how many lives we touched today but even if it was only one, it was worth it. Looking forward already to the next time we do street media 👍

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Thank you to those Kiwis making a stand ... observing 'World Whistleblowers Day'

You know what's really going on ... we are observing a very real ... very deliberate 'build up' ... 'ramp up' ... to WWIII ... another 'plandemic' ... and another deliberate 'Great Depression'

Our Govt is 'willfully blind' ... so is our MSM ... so is our ... very much a sick joke ... Police force ...

It's simply down to us ... to 'ramp up' our defense of the good people of NZ ...



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Cheers to all the whistle-blowers (especially Assange) and to the New Zealanders for their moral support!

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They haven't stopped the bioweapon of mass destruction; they don't seem to be going to investigate the claim for any of this happening in the first place. The "virus" they can't prove exists. U R G E N T

Email to Inspector General of the USAir Force Hotline Email Address, write in simple language, any language. This is not a legal wording, you REPORT the TRUTH and names, emails, contact GSM data points, describe violations under ref. EO 13818 and under US Law of War Manual 2015 during wartime 50USC 1550.

Tell this to all and as many other Divine Humans as possible, this needs to be out there through all your channels. You have the world's largest Military Force, the US Space Force USSF, behind you and have no more fear. NO VIOLENCE on your own, PROTEST OK, but NO VIOLENCE; let our Military and Special Forces in all territories take out the criminals:


ALL Criminals, and report ALL Jews, Freemasons, Judges, Doctors and Nurses that have done COVID BioWeapon Injections.





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Well protested, TTU! Let us have more Informed Dissent and less Misinformed Consent.

Start with "your government" and understand fellow Voluntaryist Robert Higgs’ warning:

“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.”

Get free, stay free.

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I throughly enjoyed Mike Bee's article on substack about promoting NZ Loyal from a grassroots level.We take the initiative NOT waiting for someone else.Steiner's 3 Fold Social Order if only understood can pave the way for real social renewal. Associate economics is our only hope

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