A relatively small number knew the ethical, moral, scientific and medical odds. As we now know, some of these people either purchased or bribed their way to an illusory freedom. Perhaps they can live with themselves, though one wonders how things might unfold next, when being a moral and ethical invertebrate is not necessarily a useful survival attribute. Others though, preserved their freedom and integrity but suffered the loss of their jobs and positions. One way or another, all of these were equipped with a sufficiently sensitive bullschitt antenna. However, a majority who formed the conned, the coerced, and the compliant are now a more disparate bunch, with as many as 25% suffering vaccine regret.

By my calculation, with ~75% of the entire populace in receipt of one/two jabs the number willing to submit to a re-run might sit at ~50%. In that case, the social license is unquestionably tenuous and fragile. The politicians and bureaucrats know this and they fear it. This is where we may capitalise. We need to prepare as they segue to the tyranny of CBDCs, internet censorship, and all the fear laden weight of a narrative like nuclear war or preposterous climatism nonsense, or for that matter a need to monetise water and oxygen (WEF). They need to experience and feel that they are uninvited and unwanted, that they have no mandate, none whatsoever. Meanwhile, we will never overlook the thousands that have become sickened or have died (and still do) who stand as silent ghosts bearing witness to the unfolding evil of our time and, most importantly, on just how well we do.

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This is so true. I said to someone this morning, that our family who are refusing to allow any dialogue around what is happening, have a propensity to always side with the most powerful. That's fine if the most powerful is good. It turns into a disaster when the most powerful are in fact, evil.

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Great as always love your interviews thank you have shared :)

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Great wake up message! May all Antipodeans, (once clear thinkers) listen and become actively awake. So much content and so much to consider. Too few likes and comments. The actively awake are obviously too few! I'll share with impunity and hope my "sharees" accept the message from whence it came, AND, act upon it! (So sad about Dazelle)

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I agree with this video 100%

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There are those who make it happen, those who watch it happen and those who say: "What happened?". Those who watch it happen (the so-called "Architects of History") are the most difficult for Truth Warriors to tolerate. However, in a spiritual battle such as that in which we now find ourselves, the Architect of the Universe is holding all the aces! Watch this space 🙏

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Passively awake and actively asleep are just two flaps of the same terrified arse.

The program of fear with which we are constantly inculcated has caught many and hold them in thrall. They are happy for freedom so long as someone else pays the price.

The China example is temporary. The history of China is one of revolution, again and again.

It would be great to overthrow these criminal scumbags before full control is emplaced, but even then, there is always a way to rid ourselves of the parasitic infection of City of London, Washington DC, Vatican and all the members of those families that own the aforesaid shitholes of Earth

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