Liz, thank you so much for everything you are doing! You are a true Kiwi hero with integrity and class, and the kind of person that made me proud to call myself a Kiwi also, for several years until I was forced to leave.

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Dear Monica, Thank you for this very sincere message from you . What you see in me, is what is already in you. That's why you see it !

Why were you forced to leave? Do you live abroad now?

Ah I have just read one of your Substacks - and what potent writing it is .


"So in mid-2020 in New Zealand, I turned off the daily press conferences.

There was no need to spend any more time on wishful thinking or the relentless drumbeat of statistics that I could look up with a few mouse-clicks: completed PCR tests… weekly rolling averages of PCR tests… positive tests… weak positive tests… etc. And so on. Ad infinitum. Ad nauseam.

The discussion of what was being done for sick patients was absent.

Public health officials that initially seemed heroic and compassionate had transmuted into mindless automatons.

The population had been transmogrified into Xanax-popping, snack-gobbling couch potatoes, gripped by the public “health” equivalent of The Days of Our Lives playing out on their TVs every day. By day. By day.

Month. After month.

Year. After. Fucking. Year.

In August 2021, something really exciting finally happened in New Zealand. The entire country shut down over a single positive case.

And then it was quietly decided that the country that had kept out covid for 1.5 years would keep it out no longer. And would simply morph into a paranoid, pathologized, authoritarian, digitally controlled dystopia.

But by that time, I was long gone. Because a year before, I’d changed the channel.

For at least six months, from August 2020 to January 2021, I did wait patiently for sanity and normality to return.

Then in February 2021, two things happened.

I discovered signs of child abuse at the border quarantine hotels resulting from government policy.

In a decision reached seemingly overnight, the New Zealand government suddenly announced that it would vaccinate the entire country with the Pfizer vaccine, after having previously announced the purchase of multiple other brands. Apparently, the public would not be offered a choice. I found this odd. And when I began to investigate the agreements between South American countries and Pfizer in which Pfizer had demanded embassies and military bases as collateral, I was alarmed.

These two events in early 2021 caused a switch to flip inside of me.

Immense dread welled up.

I sensed then that some powerful and dark force was taking over my peaceful paradise, and that despite all assurances to the contrary, we would never return to normal.

While I did not fully understand this dark force, I also knew that it was too powerful for me to be able to do anything about it.

Suddenly so many of the things that I had thought of as impenetrable strengths in New Zealand (an industrious, efficient, trustworthy, innocent, and joyful people with no guile, isolated on a faraway group of islands in the South Pacific) were looking like dangerous liabilities. And it was a horrifying realization.

The dark clouds of covidianism were looming ever larger, but the torrential rains hadn’t started yet.

“She had to get out.

She had to get out.

She had to get out.”

In the months following, I worked seven day weeks, sold off most of what I owned, took time to make sure I really wanted to close my businesses, and said goodbye to friends and colleagues. My six beautiful years were over.

And then I was gone.

The American characteristics that I thought so distasteful prior to 2020 had once again become desirable. I would surround myself with ornery, jaded, and worldly-wise people who had learned the hard way to disregard the arbitrary dictates of corrupt rulers and institutions.

I knew the vastness of that great land could protect me, and it would.

I’m angry and bitter at everything that has been stolen from so many of us, and how our beautiful world is being destroyed by the dark forces of covidianism, the genocidal, psychotic tyrants forcing us to choose between our money and our lives, and the neurocrats and karentopians enabling all of this with their compliance.

In July 2021, I boarded another one-way flight, this time in the opposite direction. "


I don't blame you for going home to the US from this madness. Yet you are also one of us, for your love of this country before this political madness masquerading as "health" corrupted so much beauty that was here in the People and in the Kiwi spirit. Ardern has wrought havoc. Absolute havoc and suffering. So many families and workplaces and communities torn apart by her insanity. it's like having the most abusive parent in a crazed alcoholic home. Only this one is swilling down her power -drunken madness daily in the very heart of our Parliament .

We need our finest Kiwis - both born here and adoptive ones !- home to balance the forces of the' least fine' among us - most of whom seem to lurk in the halls of our fallen Parliament at the moment-!

Together, the rest of us who care about being honourable, about protecting our country and about putting right the terrible wrongs perpetrated on our Kiwi brothers and sisters, can unite to ward off this current evil regime and to build a NZ that offers decency and care in place of lies and inidfference - which is all Labour/Greens /National /Act have to give us right now.

One day when a new broom sweeps away this foul corruption and clears out the stench of Labour's cynical and calculated cruelty towards Kiwis, I hope you will look at NZ as your home once more. I pray we find that new broom, in the form of a leader who has courage and who truly cares about the People more than about their own interests.

Please do keep in touch - and we would love to post some of your writings on our Substack with full credits to you if you are keen Monica . Just let me know on liz.gunn@freenz.org if you are interested . Sending you Aroha and respect , Liz I especially love The End- as you can see by my quoting such a long passage from it above !

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Hi Liz! Yes! Just shoot me an email which ones you would like to use and we can go from there! I see that you subscribed. :) m.hughes@huiabiologics.nz

I've been following you since October or so and you have been a ray of light and hope. I wish I could have stayed! My situation was complicated as I really wanted to see my grandparents (one of whom passed away since I returned, so I was grateful to be able to see him one last time), had one business I could not pursue within NZ and needed to move jurisdictions, and a second business which was suffering from lockdowns.

I saw the writing on the wall. I knew that damned jab was going to be required to travel at a certain point and I had to decide between two countries.

My heart is with you all in New Zealand and Kiwis are really too good for their leadership. I also feel for those who were so innocent that they fell for this rubbish. They just couldn't imagine how evil Ardern could be! Even I could not imagine it in the first year!!

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Thanks for this Liz.

There is too much mental suffering as a result of the government's mandates. Factor in the horrific neglect that the underfunded and overstressed Mental Health system has endured and we have a Perfect Storm. The effects, sadly, will continue for many years. Too many toddlers will grow up with social, linguistic and general learning issues as a result of face masks for instance.

Without going into detail, my family has endured and struggled with a variety of mental health issues, some directly related to the mandates and lockdowns and others exacerbated by them.

I'll repost this to Uncensored.co.nz, with a link back here of course. "Sharing is caring; we are stronger together"

Love and blessings


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And I have such #Respect for Uncensored. It's a brave and fine magazine. It offers the Truths that are so suppressed in Mainstream Media with its venal corporate overlords.

I hope all Kiwis on this Substack support it . I buy it from my local at "ie produce" on Barrys Point Road .

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Thank you Martin. I love that we can amplify one another's heart-based work .

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Since there are no medical treatments offered for tinnitus, I wonder if NLP may help. I can do treatments via messenger or zoom and frankly it's worth trying anything to help this young man, don't you think? You have my email as a member of this site and I'm on fb. (If I haven't been chucked off overnight!)

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Thank you for this suggestion. Could you please send me some more details to liz.gunn@freenz.org ?

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